Latest fromGisborne

Big question now is council response

Big question now is council response

The challenges of the past year that led to Gisborne Holdings Ltd’s board deciding they could not pay GHL’s council owner $2.5 million of anticipated income also seem to have helped unify their thinking. The directors didn’t appear to be...

GDC regulatory system remains broken

GDC regulatory system remains broken

John Kape Council had planned to discharge treated sewage on to Midway beach during the school holidays. This would have forced probable cancellation of a National Junior Surf competition planned for the pipe surfbreak. There are a number of...

Not so old, for a press

Not so old, for a press

It used to be that newspaper presses were built like battleships and lasted forever. They were reminders of an age gone by when they were huge mechanical monsters, served by ink- and oil-smeared men in overalls. I know all things change, as is the...

Rub of the green impacts season

Rub of the green impacts season

Gisborne Thistle had the second-best scoring record in Central Football’s Federation League, and the worst defensive record. Their goals for couldn’t keep pace with their goals against and so they finished second-last in a five-team competition...



Andrew Rickard, son Adam and daughter Rachael have won the Poverty Bay-East Coast Indoor Bowls Centre Closing Trios in a one-sided final. They beat Malcolm Trowell, Lois Lamont and Mike Foster 11-5. After four ends of nine, the Rickards were in...

McKenzie Shield won by Gis Bowling Club

McKenzie Shield won by Gis Bowling Club

The advantages of an artificial green were evident again when play in the McKenzie Shield Open Mixed Triples was able to go ahead at Poverty Bay Bowling Club on a sunny day after heavy overnight rain. Three games of 90 minutes were played in the...

Gisborne Club Darts Association results

Gisborne Club Darts Association results

Tuesday night league INDIVIDUAL HIGHLIGHTS 180s: A Taukamo-Pohio 2 (2NZEF TAO Vikings); K Arahanga 2 (RSA Stallions); I Eyles (RSA Gunz); J Ahuriri, T Ratapu (2NZEF TAO Spartans); H Woollett (Brezz’n Gold); R Leach (RSA Outlaws); M Evans (RS...

Pantomime politics in Eastern Europe

Pantomime politics in Eastern Europe

Gwynne Dyer The Polish hate the Russians The Slovaks hate the Czechs, The Bulgars hate Serbs And everybody hates the Jews. — with thanks and apologies to Tom Lehrer. Tom Lehrer’s original song, “National Brotherhood Week”, was about how...

Inspiration for wāhine at Empower You

Inspiration for wāhine at Empower You

The women of Tairāwhiti came together at Empower You, an event to help nourish body, mind and spirit through connection. The Gisborne Herald’s Gillian Cowperthwaite was there to experience the magic first-hand . . . When local business owners...

Supergrans farewells super manager

Supergrans farewells super manager

With over a decade of dedication to Supergrans Tairāwhiti (SGT), manager Linda Coulston, has made a huge impact in the lives of many whānau throughout the region. By listening, responding and transforming lives of clients, employees and volunteer...

Rockin’ school holidays

Rockin’ school holidays

Keep the kids entertained during school holidays with these simple and enjoyable rock painting projects at home. School holidays are here, and if you need a simple and engaging project to keep your kids occupied, try Painted Rock Fish and Ladybird...

Pea-rific risotto

Pea-rific risotto

Sundays: A cookbook is a collection of fresh, modern recipes to celebrate that Sunday feeling through brunches, feasts, long lunches and quiet evenings. The book is full of laid-back food that’s absolutely packed with flavour and here’s one of...

Eye-openers in Tirana

Eye-openers in Tirana

Mike Yardley explores the captivating narrative of Albania, uncovering its enigmatic allure along the enchanting Adriatic Coast. A foray to Albania, fringing the Adriatic coastline, was a runaway highlight of my two-week long Balkan Adventure...

Sentiment shifting as election nears

Sentiment shifting as election nears

The uptick in political polling as the general election nears shows some clear trends in public sentiment, the most obvious and impactful of which is the continuation of falling support for Labour that began in late April. Another with potentially...

A sense of urgency: vote for the future

A sense of urgency: vote for the future

Gavin Maclean With the election upon us, three quotes spring to mind. Al Gore, 1992: “The future whispers while the present shouts.” The campaign is randomly shouting about immediate problems and hardly mentioning the overwhelming crisis. Yet...

Do they have a crystal ball?

Do they have a crystal ball?

To sell or not to sell Tauwhareparae farms? We need to know facts. How was the land acquired and for what reason? And what the income should be compared with for similar land in the vicinity. If not the same or better, why not? Can reinvesting the...

Six military medals found

Six military medals found

Found on Gisborne street, sadly run over, six military service medals — three regular size and three miniatures. They were cased and the name on the rim is Baker, NZ Army. One is a Malayan service medal, so possibly from the 1960s. Two are...

‘Enter at your own risk’

‘Enter at your own risk’

GDC, please see common sense and understand the danger that we face travelling the three-quarter-hour, life-threatening Parikanapa Road compared to five minutes travel on a flat, open road through the Hangaroa Bluffs. It just needs signs at each...

Greater needs

Greater needs

Re: Bridge to nowhere. Congratulations to whoever spawned this brilliant concept and was able to get it passed at the council table. How did you do it? Were your colleagues asleep? Ah, I know, you put something in their coffee. Come on councillors...