Latest fromGisborne

Intractable problem going back 100 years

Intractable problem going back 100 years

The seemingly never-ending tragedy of the Middle East, the conflict between Israel and Palestinian fighters, seems to be about to reach another height of disaster, if that is even possible, with Israel poised for an outright invasion of Gaza. Hamas...

Lessons from the vote

Lessons from the vote

Clive Bibby My guess is that most people reading this column headline will anticipate an article on last Saturday’s general election — a result from which we can draw some obvious conclusions. Well, they’d be half right, but regarding the...

Some advantages?

Some advantages?

Note: This letter was received on September 22 and held until the issues raised were investigated by Local Democracy Reporter Matthew Rosenberg As owner of the Tatapouri Campground, Meng Foon has been carrying out work to construct a seawall to the...



A magnitude-9 mega-thrust earthquake and subsequent tsunami hitting Tairāwhiti is a credible scientific possibility. That’s why emergency responders and planners from around the region and New Zealand have been conducting an exercise to plan how...

Blissful Buddleias

Blissful Buddleias

Commonly known as the butterfly bush, Buddleia is a hardy, summer flowering shrub which is very easy to grow. Buddleias, also spelt buddleja, are small to large shrubs which provide many months of gorgeous honey scented flowers that attract...

Crunchy concoction

Crunchy concoction

Elegantly simple, big on flavour and strong on comfort, these family favourites with step-by-step instructions make an ideal introduction to Korean cooking at home. I like the crunchy texture of lotus roots in this sweet-and-sour lotus roots recipe...

A walkway expedition

A walkway expedition

Gillian Ward takes you on an extraordinary journey along the Te Aratia Walkway, where history, community, and nature intertwine on a mesmerising 13-kilometre trail through Māhia Peninsula. Te Aratia Walkway is a walkway easement over private land...

Israel-Gaza: better call Cicero

Israel-Gaza: better call Cicero

Gwynne Dyer The blame game has gone into high gear. It started with the massacre perpetrated in Israel two weeks ago by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip for the past 17 years. US President Joe Biden called it...

What coalition talks might produce . . .

What coalition talks might produce . . .

While Winston Peters wants us to “avoid speculation” before the final vote count in two weeks, and it is hard to know exactly which policies each party will prioritise in coalition/support negotiations, it is worth recapping some of an NZ Herald...

Time for city spring clean

Time for city spring clean

Good news for our city and district re cruise passengers coming to visit us this summer; however, is our GDC going to clean the city footpaths and the Botanical Gardens? Rats running around the ponds while families are walking or sitting nearby is...

Hospital blast: jury still out

Hospital blast: jury still out

I guess that the jury must remain “out”, to consider the latest claims that Israel has blown up a hospital in Gaza. There are many factors to consider in this matter before we can give too much credence to the Palestinian claims, although there...

Golf roundup

Golf roundup

PATUTAHI A husband and wife ascended the throne in the King and Queen of the Country men’s and women’s open tournament on Sunday. Chris and Jandy Beattie claimed the crowns for the top gross over 36 holes. Chris shot 74, 78 for a 152 total to...