Latest fromGisborne

Name changes are costly

Name changes are costly

I see new Transport Minister Simeon Brown has ordered that the name for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency be changed to NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi. Apparently the English version should come first because some can’t understand the English...

Gas leak in Gladstone Road
Gisborne Herald

Gas leak in Gladstone Road

Firefighters were called to a house in Gladstone Road near Bloomfield Road on Tuesday night after a gas leak started from a meter outside the property. The 111 call about it came in at around 6pm. “We isolated the gas supply to the property at the...

Top honour to Nabura

Top honour to Nabura

Midfield back Tevia Nabura’s powerhouse season for the Ngāti Porou East Coast Kaupoi was rewarded with the top individual accolade at the union’s 2023 prizegiving held at Whakarua Park. Fijian Nabura won the Coast Heartland squad Player of the...

Nepia, Ball singles champions

Nepia, Ball singles champions

Mere Nepia of Kahutia Bowling Club and Andrew Ball of the Gisborne club are the Bowls Gisborne-East Coast centre singles champions for 2023. Both are first-time winners of this event. Nepia was presented with the Brown Whanau Trophy and Ball, the J...

ND Māori outgun Poverty Bay boys

ND Māori outgun Poverty Bay boys

Taye McGuinness is the right man for the job. But the all-rounder's job as captain of the Poverty Bay team at the Northern Districts Youth cricket tournament in Hamilton is not without its challenges. Of their first-up seven-wicket loss to Northern...

HSOB bounce back from Walker Shield loss

HSOB bounce back from Walker Shield loss

The crown that slipped is once more in place. Doleman Cup and Walker Shield Premier Grade champions Bollywood High School Old Boys lost their Walker Shield stoush with Breakers Horouta Te Waka by six runs last Thursday, but hit back hard on...



MONDAY, November 27 — Bayleys Closing Night North/South East/West Elizabeth Jackson, Carolyn McMurray 67.01 Hans van der Kuijl, Katrine Matthews 58.73 John Hudson, Vicki Taylor 59.72 Raewynne Cook, Anne Roberts 55.16 Bette Parker, Patricia Corson...

Māori Action Day won’t be the last

Māori Action Day won’t be the last

Parliament reopened yesterday with calls to honour te Tiriti reverberating from a short but effective “National Māori Action Day”, led by Te Pāti Māori and iwi to challenge the new Government over its policies on the Treaty, co-governance and...

Taught a deeper appreciation of beauty

Taught a deeper appreciation of beauty

Mason Ball With the passing of Norman Maclean we have lost one of our elders. This is a man who shaped lives, and shaped his own in a remarkable way. I was fortunate to have grown up with Norman as a family friend. He was an individual who was an...

Utilising woody waste

Utilising woody waste

Certain people (not mentioning any names) get all twitchy at the mention of “forestry slash” in the context of the rubbish accumulating on Gisborne’s beaches. They might deny that it is in fact slash, or they might say they can only see the...

US support not essential for Israel

US support not essential for Israel

While I have the greatest respect for both Simin and Clive, not to mention a couple of our other locals and their discourse and debate on the Gaza war, the “tugs of war” between those correspondents do not advance solutions. When our...