A Grade teams compete for the Kathleen Henderson Memorial Shield, donated in 1942 by the Henderson family in memory of their daughter.
Kathleen Henderson was a Gisborne High School and Poverty Bay representative who died at the age of 17.
Last year the winners were Claydens Waikohu (1), with YMP Whānau runners-up.
Waikohu (1) will not be there to defend their title, so eyes will be on YMP Whanau, who lost by only one point last year.
But don't discount the other teams in this grade.
Gisborne Girls' High Senior A, who finished third in last year's premier competition, Whangara Old Girls, two Horouta teams (Koura and Taimana), High School Old Girls, YMP (2) and Ngatapa White are all capable challengers.
B Grade teams compete for the Patsy Burke Memorial Shield, presented in memory of a Poverty Bay representative who died when a ferry she was on sank at Tauranga.
She was a stalwart of St Mary's Old Girls, Grey Wing and High School Old Girls netball clubs.
HSOG won this grade last year, with YMP (2) runners-up.
Both HSOG and YMP (2) are entered in the A Grade this year, so the way is clear for new B Grade champions.
Waikohu P2, Ngatapa Green, Campion College A, YMP Hine Taiohi, Enterprise Cars OBM, GGHS Senior B and Claydens Waikohu Team 2 will vie for this title.
This grade produced some close scores last year, so expect more of the same.
C Grade teams compete for the Elizabeth Crawford Memorial Shield, donated by the Crawford family and Grey Wing Netball Club in 1974.
Crawford was a founding member of the Grey Wing club and competed in top-level netball before dying of a blood disorder.
Enterprise Cars OBM Blue won this grade last year, with Tatapouri Sportsfit second.
Close competition is expected from Sportsfit Mixed, Athletic Kotare, GGHS Jnr A, Ngarangikahiwa, Thistle Storm, Horouta Hiriwa and Ngatapa Red,
D Grade teams compete for the Dawn Gallagher Shield, presented in memory of a top representative player and New Zealand umpire who died of meningitis.
Gallagher was one of the driving forces behind the Poverty Bay umpires. During her reign, Gisborne had one of the strongest group of national umpires per capita in New Zealand.
Last year GGHS Y9A won this grade, with Thistle Storm runners-up.
GGHS Y9A will defend their title, but YMP Manawanui, Waikohu Team 4, Horouta Kohatu, XLR8, Sportsfit Social and Hine Rikoriko will mount challenges.