The water from the nearby Hangaroa River rose metres high over the green, leaving it buried by a metre of silt. Likewise the No.2 green and No.2 and 3 fairways — the lowest part of the course.
But while it tested the resolve of the locals, who had their own farmland and infrastructure decimation to deal with, it did not destroy their spirit.
In the newsletter, Tahunga confirmed it would not be opening this year and updated the damge and work being done.
“Our water pump and shed was washed away and needs to be reinstated so we are able to water the greens.
“The No.2 and No.6 greens were buried under a metre of silt, so we are going to build up the greens and move them a little higher in spring.
“The numbers 2 and 3 fairways have been regrassed and when we finally dry out, a fair amount of fertiliser will be put on them.”
Working bees have been held and more are planned.
The club extended its gratitude to its community and members of the community “who have all pulled together and helped each other during these testing times”.
“NZ Golf surprised us with an amazing recovery grant of $4500 to go towards helping the club get back on its feet.
“Hororata Golf Club (in Canterbury) have been extremely generous and given our club a donation of $1000 and a free round if any of our members are down south.
“Sports Gisborne Tairāwhiti gave a grant of $1000 to help our Club.
“Our insurance company Emerre & Hathaway has been outstanding.”
In the absence of golf, the club plans to have “a few burger nights and community catch-ups over the next nine months”.
“Thank you to all our local club members who come to every working bee and make it a great place to play golf and socialise, and a huge thank you to the landowners.”
Tahunga Golf Club was officially opened in 1973 and 50th anniversary celebrations have been put off multiple times because of the weather.
It is hoped to finally mark this in March 2024.
Sadly, Tahunga life member Tony Steele, who opened the course and was a committed club and community member over the years, will not be there. He passed away in June.