“In his words, he looks forward to taking up the game seriously when he actually retires in the near future.”
After about seven years of being a club and committee member, Bruce was elected vice-president, and was president from 2002 to 2004.
“Bruce, like many members past and present, has certainly added to the fabric of the club,” the club spokesman said.
“His contribution, like that of so many others, has often been unknown by the majority of members.
“He has supported the club through difficult and challenging times, and the club had great pleasure in having a competition in his honour.”
The tournament drew 48 players, and Bruce — supported by family and friends — was the guest of honour.
Bruce said he was surprised at the size of the turnout.
“I thought it might attract only 20 or so, but to attract close to 50 players, well, I was gobsmacked,” he said.
“I don’t rate myself as anybody special. I’m just one of those who likes to work in the background and get things done.”
Bruce said the Gisborne Bowling Club was in “great spirit” at the moment.
“I would say it’s one of the best in Gisborne.”
He thanked those involved in Wednesday’s tournament.
“I enjoyed the day immensely.”
It was a triples teams tournament, and the winners were Hugh Mackenzie, John Donnelly and Jenny Evans.