Simpson, driving 98G, racked up a third placing, then a second and a first to take out the title on points.
“It feels pretty cool to win it,” he said.
“It was bloody good racing, with quite a lot of fast cars from out of town.”
Simpson said he was still getting to grips with his new car.
“So I was rapt to win it, really happy.”
Club president Hughes said Simpson showed his speed and ability and thoroughly deserved to win the trophy.
“He was our No.1 driver.”
The MTF-sponsored Superstocks Points Dash was another major feature of the night.
The 16-car field put on a great show of fast racing.
Veteran Peter Rees (10G) showed his class in the first race, with a clear win, but he was hard-pressed by Regan Penn (235G).
Ethan Rees (3NZG) raced beautifully to take out Race 2.
He, his father Peter and Penn were the leading drivers on points at the end of the first round of the Points Dash series.
In the second superstocks race, club president Hughes drove well to have his car 77G right on the pace in second or third until he got turned with two laps to go.
Hughes raced both the superstock and stockcar classes on Saturday night.
“I feel about 10 years older,” he said with a wry smile.
“It was so good to race against the best.”
Peter Rees was a fan of the track.
“It’s beautiful!” he said.
“It’s real good to be back in Gisborne.”
The rest of the programme was a humdinger too, particularly the saloons, where Daniel Cook debuted a new car (77G) built by his brother Ethan.
Cook is back behind the wheel after two years out and he won the first saloon race in a canter.
“We were still setting the car up less than a minute before we had to drive out the track gate on to the track, so I was thrilled with how it went,” he said.
“The first race in it was awesome, and it’s got heaps of potential.
“I reckon it sets a new standard for saloons.”
The Classic stockcars put on a show as they clattered their way around the track in a real trip down memory lane, the evolution of speedway so plain to see.
Production saloons, streetstocks, youth ministocks and TQ midgets all produced entertaining racing.
A list of race results will follow in The Herald.
The club now looks ahead to the Jukes Carriers Fireworks meeting on Saturday night.