Under-18 singles champion Kayla Trowell. Picture supplied
It’s been a busy time on the Indoor Bowls Mats .
Dylan Foster won the Friday Night Singles, Defeating his older Brother Matthew in the 3 end final 3-1. 14 bowlers started the competition with 6 qualifying for the 3 end play offs. In the last 6 Dylan defeated his
Uncle Malcolm Trowell 4-2, whilst Andrew Rickard defeated David Lynn on a deciding end 3-1. In the semifinals, Matthew Foster defeated his cousin Kayla Trowell 4-3 again on a deciding end after both were locked at 3-3 after the 3 ends, whilst Dylan Foster defeated Andrew Rickard 3-2 also needing a deciding end to find the winner. This was young Dylans 13th centre title .
Kayla Trowell was too good for her opposition, winning the Local final of the New Zealand Under 18 year old singles event.
11-7 against Rachael Rickard in the 12 end final. Trowell got off to the best of starts to be in the lead 4-0 after 3 ends. Rickard then got into her rhythm to be only 5-6 down after 8 ends, but 1 point on end 9 and 3 points on end 10 to Trowell sealed the game for Trowell. Both Trowell and Rickard are now eligible to travel to the NZ Under 18 singles finals in Auckland in August .
Arnold Hutchins, Bryan Pulley, Pauline Stone and Nanette Treloar won the Masters fours event, defeating DOC Tipene, Warren Edlin, Coralie Campbell Whitehead and Bruce Gledhill 11-8 in game 1 and 12-7 in game 2 to win their way to represent Poverty Bay East Coast in the NZ Master Zone final in Whakatāne in July where they will play against Thames Valley, Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Tauranga. The winner of the zone final will then travel to the New Zealand Final later this year.