Second and third places had to be separated by differential.
Sherriff and his team of Paul Everett, Peter Mitchell and Ginny Sherriff took second place, with 44 points, a differential of 35 and 91 ends won.
Whiteman and her team of Boon McIlroy, and Joy and Jeff Davis were third, with 44 points, a differential of 30 and 85 ends won.
In fourth place were Stewart and his team of Geoff Pinn, Dayvinia Mills and Liam Pinn, with 43 points.
Tournament controller Peter Ferris said teams were not necessarily formed within club boundaries. Rather, teams recruited members they thought would be a good fit for the competition.
“This marquee event is part of the Bowls New Zealand Summer of Bowls calendar,” Ferris said.
“It's a hard tournament. Players have to hold it together for six two-hour rounds. It’s not for the faint-hearted.”
He said Gisborne Bowling Club members made sure the 64 bowlers in action were well watered and fed.
Emerre & Hathaway Insurance Brokers sponsored this year’s event, and Gear Meat Pies provided buns and sandwiches.
Tournament director Chris Bunyan oversaw the smooth running of the event, with quick results and troubleshooting where necessary.
Greenkeeper Andrew Ball had managed to keep the greens to a high standard in difficult weather leading up to the event — no small feat when all three greens at the club were
in use.