This year’s competitors had to deal with four seasons in one day — strong wind gusts, rain and bursts of sunshine — but it was a good turnout, considering the changeable weather.
In the adult competitions, Robyn Wilkie had a successful day. She was the female competitor with most points, and rode the horse with most points and the horse with most points in open competition. She also won the MS Millar Contracting Trophy for the hunter jump.
Mike Williams also had a great day. He won the Williams and Kettle Trophy for the adult competitor with most points and the Ginger Tamanui Memorial Trophy for gaining the most points on a maiden horse in sports events.
Brian Arnold from Highland Station and Brayden Ellis from Haupapa Station jointly won the Hutchison Cup for the local competitor with most points.
Arnold also won the award for local farmer with most points.
Jake Williams won the Pablo Memorial Hunter Jump Trophy.
In the children’s competitions, Regan Star Ruru won the award for the child earning most points.
Annabel Barclay, of Tahora Station, won the Farmers Air Trophy for the local child earning most points.
Ngariki Matiaha, of Te Karaka, won the Kerry Fogarty Trophy for the most promising child competitor, and Rainjah Matiaha, also of Te Karaka, won the Jade Memorial Cup for most deserving child competitor.
The horse sports organisers thanked sponsors for their prize donations and financial support.