Both Wallaces are members of Gisborne Park although neither have handicaps. It is more about father and son enjoying a hit together.
They are, however, no golfing bunnies.
Gary, who has been a member of a couple of Wellington clubs in his time, can play to a handicap as low as a 14 to 24 “on a bad day”.
Liam has had less than 10 rounds in his life but his father says he can belt the ball out 260 metres when he gets a hold of it.
He shot 94 for his ace round.
If music had a handicap, guitarist Liam would be on single figures.
He and brother Ronan perform as the duo Son & Rise, formerly the national Smokefree Pacifica Beats award-winning One Point Five Men.
It was the second ace in two weeks at Gisborne Park. Rod Moore achieved perfection on the 14th hole on February 17 on his way to 75-13-62, for 46 stableford points (more on that to follow in The Herald).
Phil Nepia’s back-nine blitz earned him the men’s net honours on Saturday. Nepia shot 80-14-66, coming home in 36 off the stick to deny Steve Phillips on countback.
Sixty-six was also the winning men’s score on Sunday, Brad Reynolds firing 75-9-66 to win.
Barbara Woods (94-26-68) and Pat Johanson (93-23-70) won the women’s competitions over the weekend.
Rob McGann’s 80-18-62, for 46 points, led a excellent performances in the Tuesday veteran men’s stableford last week.
Jean Foot’s 41 points won the women’s stableford the next day.
Electrinet Park results, SUNDAY — Men’s net: B Reynolds 66, D Harrison 69, W Tamatea 69.
Women’s stableford: B Woods.
Approach: R Grace.
Men’s best second shot: S Phillips.
Women’s best third shot: T Ford.
Twos: J Akuhata, B Huhu, D Harrison, R Moore.
Village Butchery monthly meat voucher draw: J Morley.
SATURDAY (Feb 24) — Men’s net: P Nepia 66, S Phillips 66, C Aramakutu 69.
Hole-in-one on No.2: L Wallace.
Women’s stableford: P Johansen 93-23-70. 39 on c/b from S Maisey.
Twos: T Ford, P Johansen, H Schreiber, P Nepia.
WEDNESDAY (Feb 21) — Women’s stableford: J Foot 41pts on c/b from A Richardson.
TUESDAY (Feb 20) — Veteran men’s stableford: R McGann 46, B Lumsden-Nicholls 45, R Maxwell 44, C Aramakutu 43, W McHugh 41, E Morley 41, P Hogan 38, H Schreiber 38, W Donnelly 38.
Twos: B Lumsden-Nicholls.
SUNDAY (Feb 18) — Men’s stableford: B Huhu 42, P Cameron 39, D Harrison 37 on c/b.
Twos: B Huhu, P Cameron.
Approach: D Craven.
Women’s net: C Pipi 67, J Morley 70.
Women’s best third shot: J Foot.
SATURDAY (Feb 17) — Men’s stableford: R Moore 46, B Huhu 38, A Pahina 37.
Twos: R Moore,
Hole-in-one on 14: R Moore.
Women’s net: M Donnelly 111-39-72 on c/b.
WEDNESDAY (Feb 14) — Women’s net: T Ford 93-22-71.
TUESDAY (Feb 13) — Veteran men’s stableford: C Aramakutu 43, B Reynolds 37, R Moiser 36, J Rosewarne 35, R McGann 35, P Koorey 33, A Lewington 33.
COMING UP: FRIDAYS, nine-hole competition for affiliated golf club members only, 8am to 2pm; WEDNESDAY, March 7, Electrinet 27-hole women’s foursomes, 9am start.
Poverty Bay
THE semifinalists have been decided in the Oman Cup women’s matchplay.
Maxine Francois faces Marg Lane in one semi while Letty Poananga meets Ishbel McKinnon in the other.
Defending champion Viv Bell was eliminated by Lane in round 2.
Marg Colebourne fell to Poananga in the first round on Tuesday but bounced back yesterday with her best round in nearly a year.
Colebourne won the women’s stableford with 83-17-66, for 44 points.
Consistency proved key to Bull Cup success in the annual 36-hole men’s team stableford.
Vance Richardson, Duncan Bush, Mark Stewart and Cliff Poole completed a comfortable victory over the weekend.
They finished with a combined total of 292 points — 139 on Saturday and 153 on Sunday when all four played handicap or better golf.
Only one of their total of right round was a poor one. Poole struggled to 30 points on Saturday but bounced back the next day with 40.
Richardson had 35, 40, Bush a pair of 37s and Stewart 37, 36.
Defending champions Mark Norman, Paul Rickard, Brad Morgan and Craig Bauld were unable to repeat their comeback glory of 2017.
They had to settle for second on 276.
Tuki Sweeney continued his majestic form of the previous weekend. Sweeney shot 75-11-64, for 44 points, to win the division 1 men’s stableford.
Pete Kerekere was not in the money but provided an entry for odds-defying shot of the week. Kerekere’s pushed his tee shot off the par-3 second hole, his ball bouncing and finishing perched on a wooden seat on the third tee. He got to drop off for no penalty and up and downed for par.
He later beat the odds again in the clubhouse to win the meat raffle.
All players who ventured to the 19th over the weekend, Tuesday and today got to have a drink or two on Peter Kirkland, who died last week.
Pete’s estate provided a bar shout over five days.
Those who played with, drank with or argued with the life member during his time were welcome to enjoy a drink through his generous last act for the club he loved.
Wednesday — Oman Cup women’s matchplay, round 2: M Francois def M Allan, M Lane def V Bell, L Poananga def J MacKinnon, I McKinnon def L Shepherd.
Women’s stableford: M Colebourne 83-17-66, 44; J Steele 95-24-71, 39.
9-holers’ stableford: J Roe-Mason 57-20-37, 18 on c/b.
Tuesday — Oman Cup women’s matchplay, round 1: M Allan def L Holmberg, M Francois def P Gayford, V Bell def O Thompson, M Lane def S Spence, J MacKinnon def V Fraser, L Poananga def M Colebourne, I McKinnon def M Shanks, L Shepherd def J Utting.
Sunday — Men’s stableford, division 1: T Sweeney 44, S Jeune 41, V Richardson 40, C Poole 40
Division 2: B Bell 39, D Bush 37, K Gunness 37, R Skuse 37, C Taewa 37.
Bull Cup men’s 36-hole aggregate team stableford: D Bush/V Richardson/M Stewart/C Poole 292; M Norman/P Rickard/C Bauld/B Morgan 276; K Travers/D Wright/B Talbot/R Foon 262.
SATURDAY — Men’s stableford, division 1: J Vaughan 38, P Clayton 37, B Morrissey 36, A Reedy 35.
Division 2: P Rickard 39, M Stewart 37, J McGregor 37, D Bush 37.
Twos: V. Richardson.
Approach: V Richardson,
THURSDAY (Feb 22) — Men’s stableford, division 1: V Richardson 40, C Dean 40, A Kirkpatrick 39, H Johanson 37.
Division 2: J Pittar 43, P Graham 42, H Williams 39, S Willock 39, R Skuse 35
Twos: I Murphy.
Approach: G Clapham.
The Poverty Bay Golf Club Business House Mercantile Ambrose is tomorrow 2. Format is nine-hole ambrose in teams of four, shotgun start from 5.30pm. Each team must have one new golfer and each player must have at least one tee shot count. Non-affiliated players will be given an assessed handicap not exceeding 24 for men and 40 for women. Lapsed or resigned club members must play off their last official handicap. Prizes for top three teams, lucky draws. Contact pro shop to enter.
PATUTAHI was at the mercy of the ladies in the women’s open tournament on Saturday.
Andrea Haisman’s gross-winning 84-25-59 in the 19+ division was the round of the day.
Dita Nienhuys won the net with 90-26-64 and Jandy Winiata the stableford with 85-19-66, for 42 points.
The trend continued in the 0-18 group.
Skylah Pohatu won the gross with 3-over 74, Denise Johnston the net with 81-15-66 and Ella Wynyard the stableford with 82-16-66, for 42 points.
SATURDAY — Patutahi women’s open, 0-18 division, gross: S Pohatu 74.
Net: D Johnston 66.
Stableford: E Wynyard 42, S Gray 38, H Pomana 38, S McRoberts 37.
19+ division, gross: A Haisman 84.
Net: D Nienhuys 64.
Stableford: J Winiata 41, T Paku 40, A Stills-Hindmarsh 40, M Donnelly 38.
Long drives: J Winiata, E Wynyard.
Approaches: D Johnston, K Pohatu.
Best second shots: D Johnston, A Stills-Hindmarsh.
Twos: S Pohatu.
Te Puia Springs
ROBYN Ngatai and Nelson Truman are the 2018 Summer Cup champions.
Amos Forrester won the fourth and final round of the series with a +8 par round of 79-21-58 — his best score since June of 2016.
Truman, however, had done enough to clinch the men’s overall honours while Ngatai won the women’s title.
SUNDAY — Summer Cup, fourth and final round, par: A Forrester +8, J Forrester +6, P Summersby +4.
Summer Cup overall winners: R Ngatai (women), N Truman (men).
COMING UP: SUNDAY, haggle for men, district teams’ net for women; SUNDAY, March 18, Te Puia open opening day, SATURDAY, March 24, Te Puia women’s open and first round of women’s pennants.
Tolaga Bay
HUSBAND and wife Mark and Ginger Watts edged the rest of the mixed pairs field as Tolaga Bay officially opened its season on Sunday.
The Watts had 39 points to win the Canadian mixed pairs stableford by one point from mother and son Anthea and Taine Lincoln, and Waikohu’s Ike Ruru and Ella Wynyard.
Te Puia Springs member Bill Clark won the men’s stableford with
SUNDAY — Tolaga Bay open opening day, Canadian mixed pairs stableford: M Watts and G Watts 39, A Lincoln/Taine Lincoln 38, I Ruru/E Wynyard 38, T Hale/J Hale 37, R Ngatai/I Sykes 37, Tere Lincoln/S Dever 35, A Cook/D Cook 35, I Ngarimu/P Ngarimu 32.
Men’s stableford: B Clark 41, D Maitai 40, T Green 38, B Morrissey 38, J Crawford 37, M Grant 36, N Hansen 36, Z Horomia 35, N Dewes 34, C Brown 34, R Smith 33.
Twos: B Clark, T Green.
COMING UP: SUNDAY, club stableford.
COMING UP: Sunday, first round of men’s handicap singles and Summer Cup, women’s Audrey Kelly, LGU, putting, stableford and Summer Cup.