15+ handicap: Shaun Nepe 39, Lindsay Jamieson 38, Sonny Maynard 35.
Men’s long drives Jace Brown (up to 9), Charlie Taylor (10-18), Lindsay Jamieson (19+).
Women’s long drives: Jandy Beattie (up to 24), Helen Humble (25+).
Men’s approaches: Ian Loffler (up to 9), Charlie Taylor (10-18), Lindsay Jamieson (19+).
Women’s approaches: Maraea Wesche (up to 20), Charlie Holland (21+).
Ruka Tupara Memorial Trophy winners: Tony Green and Helen Pomana.
FRIDAY — Meat pack 9-hole stableford, up to 8-handicap: Tony Sharp 21, Shannon Toa 21, Peter Johnston 20, Mason Smith 19, George Brown 19.
9+ handicap: Chris Harris 23, Simon Pittar 22, Abbie Davis 22, Pat Tinnelly 22, Andrea Reeves 21.
Poverty Bay
TUESDAY — Veterans’ stableford: Jim McGregor 41, Ron Young 39, John Aitchison 38, Brian Morrissey 38.
Sunday — Men’s stableford, division 1: Brad Morgan 40, Carl Carmody 38, Colin Simpson 37.
Division 2: Garth Marchbank 40, Lee Hewson 36.
Twos: Glenn Morley.
Approach: Glenn Morley.
Saturday — Men’s stableford, division 1: George Brown 37, Vance Richardson 35, Tene Goldsmith 35.
Division 2: Peter Humphreys 42, Kim Travers 37, Duncan Bush 37, Hamish Williams 37.
Approach: H Williams.
Thursday (oct 19) — Men’s stableford, division 1: Vance Richardson 39, Pat Butler 38, Mark Thomas 37, Simon Jeune 37, Jak Rowe 37.
Division 2: Cliff Poole 41, John Williams 40, John Aitchison 39, Mark Gemmell 38, Peter Graham 38.
Twos: V Richardson, Mark Thomas, Allan White, Simon Jeune, Brent Colbert, Neil Mackie
Approach: Vance Richardson.
COMING UP: WEDNESDAYS, Sunshine Brewing twilight golf, tee-off between 3pm and 6pm; WEDNESDAY, Nov 1, The Agency Poverty Bay women’s open Christmas tournament, 18-hole (report at 8.30am for 9am start) and 9-hole (report at 10.10am for 10.30am start) stableford sections, includes twos and lunch, entries by Monday, Oct 30, contact Anne Gemmell 027-282-4971 or mandagemmell@xtra.co.nz
Electrinet Park
MONDAY — Labour Day Hussle hidden holes stableford: Warren Muir 22, Matt Downie 20, Shannon Toa 20.
Twos: Dan Collier, Damian Pilitati, Matt Downie.
DCL Cup men’s net (best two of four rounds): Shannon Toa 133 (66, 67); Jason Devery 139 (66, 73); Matt Henwood 142 (67, 75): Steve Rolls 142 (68, 74); Josh Hayes 142 (68, 74).
THURSDAY (Oct 19) — Gordons Pharmacy twilight, 9-hole stableford: Matt Downie 23, Jason Lloyd 20.
Long drive: Mike Christophers.
Approach: Mike Christophers.
WEDNESDAY (Oct 18) — Peter Hatwell Cup women’s net, round 2: Sue Maisey 100-30-70.
Milligan Salver putting, round 2: Karen Hay 29.
TUESDAY (Oct 17) — Veterans’ stableford: Alan Lewington 85-25-60, 48; Paul Wellard 38, Dave Te Maro 38, W Brown 35, Evan Morley 35.
Twos: Alan Lewington, Evan Morley.
COMING UP: WEDNESDAY, Nov 11, #Hear4U Blokes Golf Day, 9am start, event features beverages, guest speakers and mystery pack raffles, for more information contact Matt Downie golfdayout@gmail.com
The date for the Kelvin and Noeline Ellison and Fiordland Lobster Company Men’s 36-hole Open Tournament at Māhia has been changed.
The tournament, scheduled for November 4 and 5, will now be held on December 2 and 3.
Gross, net (Saturday), stableford (Sunday) and teams’ event (Saturday); maximum handicap of 24 for top prize; 7.30am and 11.30am tee-off times; 9-hole haggle on Friday, Nov 3, to 4pm; inquiries and entries to Maraea Wesche 027-229-2342 or mwesche@gmail.com
Te Puia Hot Springs
SUNDAY — Women’s stableford: Iritana Ngarimu 35, Robyn Ngatai 34, Hiria McClutchie 30.
Men’s stableford: Henry Rasmussen 34, James Forrester 32, Peter Ngarimu 27.
SUNDAY — Coates and McLean Memorial matchplay tournament, Coates Trophy final: Ike Ruru def Larry Green.
Flight winner: Richard Reeves.
McLean Trophy final: Tama Brown def Andrea Reeves.
Flight winner: Tom Smith.
Top qualifier: Valerie Grace.
12-hole stableford: Cheryl Te Rito 29, Percy Milner 25 Kahu Tamanui 24, Marg Tuapawa 24.
Botl winner: Richard Reeves.
Hook winner: Penny Rutene.
12-hole one-day winner: Alexine Reeves 24 from Ethine Reeves 21.
COMING UP: SUNDAY, club competition; SATURDAY, Nov 11, fundraising tournament for Catherine Mullooly’s women’s world ewe shearing record attempt, Canadian pairs, men’s open sections, limited to 80 entries, 10.30am cup of tea, 11.30am tee-off, lunch provided, contact Audrey 022-177-2474.
Golf Roundup compiled and edited by Chris Taewa. If you have a story, tournament to promote or results you wish to have printed, contact
The Gisborne Herald at 869-0633 or email sports@gisborneherald.co.nz