The Kahlenberg Plate final will feature top qualifiers Mary Allan and Anne Gemmell
(41 points) against Debbie Kirkpatrick and Marg Colebourne.
The Juliet Rickard 9-hole individual matchplay finalists have also been found. Noreen Johnson will take on Sandy Armstrong.
Men’s stableford competition winners over the week were Brad Morgan (37pts); Paul Rickard (36); Peter Clayton (35); Mark Stewart (38); Stefan Andreassen (38); and Peter Graham (40).
WEDNESDAY — Women’s stableford: G Young 34.
Twos: G Young.
MONDAY — Women’s stableford: J Muir 32.
SUNDAY — Men’s stableford, division 1: B Morgan 37, S Andreassen 37, D Patumaka 35.
Division 2: P Rickard 36, A Baldwin 32, L Hewson 28 .
Twos: C Carmody, W Mortleman.
Approach: D Gray.
Saturday — Men’s stableford, division 1: P Clayton 35, J Situ 33, B Talbot 33.
Division 2: M Stewart 38, B Read 37, D Mettrick 35, R Morley 35.
Twos: D Wright, D Jenkins, T Goldsmith, B Simpson.
Approach: B Talbot.
TUESDAY — Veterans’ stableford: C Christie 34, K Goldsmith 34, T Goldsmith 34, G Brown 33, D Mettrick 33.
Twos: B Rothschild, L Foster.
Thursday (May 25) — Men’s stableford, division 1: S Andreassen 38, J Pittar 37, S Rimene-Albrett 10
Division 2: P Graham 40, W Thompson 39, M Stewart 34.
Twos: P Goodwin, T Sherratt, M Stewart.
Approach: T Sherratt.
WEDNESDAY (May 24) — Women’s stableford: M Allan 39.
WEDNESDAY (May 17) — Women’s stableford: G Young 36.
Kahlenberg Cup women’s pairs top qualifiers: M Allan/A Gemmell 41.
Longest putt: M Francois.
Best gross (Home Links event): G Young 92.
9-holers’ stableford: R Dymock 20.
MONDAY (May 15) — Women’s stableford: R Willock 30.
COMING UP: Gisborne Motors Barns-Graham Cup men’s pairs, qualifying round Saturday, June 17, followed by matchplay June 24 (Round 1), July 1 (Round 2), July 8 (Round 3), July 15 (semifinals), July 16 (finals), enter at pro shop.
Welcome back Jac.
Jacque Broughton has returned to the Waikohu 17 years after her last year at the club and has brought family with her.
Broughton moko Mahaki Buckley won the club stableford on Sunday — Buckley topping the men with 37 points and Broughton the women with 34.
SUNDAY — Men’s stableford: M Buckley 37, S Ritchie 36, K Tamanui 34.
Women’s stableford: J Broughton 34, M Tuapawa 32, P Rutene 31
COMING UP: SUNDAY, Waikohu fundraiser Bring A Non-Golfer Day, register at 10am for 11am tee-off, format is 18-hole Canadian foursomes, queries to Cheryl Te Rito, 027-232-5602; SATURDAY, June 17, Turanga Health Waikohu Men’s Open, Turanga Health doing heart checks at the club from 9.30am to 10.45am, followed by tee-off at 11am, queries to Tama Brown, 027-449-3473.
The Wellard machine continues to hum.
Paul Wellard followed up his success of the previous weekend with another victory in the men’s stableford on Saturday.
His 83-15-68, for 39 points, was one ahead of Sel Peneha’s even-par 72-3-69, for 38.
Jean Foot topped the women’s Sunday Trophy stableford round with 92-22-70, for 37.
SUNDAY — Women’s Sunday Trophy/shootout qualifying (stableford): J Foot 92-22-70, 37.
Twos: J Foot, T Ford.
SATURDAY — Men’s stableford: P Wellard 39, S Peneha 38.
Twos: S Peneha, J Witika.
Chris Parker and Abbie Davis were the Sunday competition winners.
Parker won the senior division of the stableford with 81-12-69, for 37 points.
Davis won the junior division with 104-31-73, for 35.
SUNDAY — Stableford, senior division: C Parker 81-12-69, 37; J Blair 87-18-69, 37; M Smith 85-15-70, 36; D Skudder 96-24-72, 34; P Johnston 87-14-73, 33.
Junior division: A Davis 104-32-72, 35.
FRIDAY — Meat pack 9-hole stableford, senior division: P Johnston 18, R Hindmarsh 18, A Nimmo 18, D Russell 18 on c/b.
Junior division: W Bruce 19, D Spence 19, M White 18, L Jamieson 18.
There’s no stopping Ian Logan.
Logan sat in the men’s stableford’s winner’s chair for the third Sunday running, this time with 71-11-60, for 42 points.
SUNDAY — Captain’s women’s competition, round 2: P Summersby 93-22-71, I Ngarimu 99-27-72.
LGU putting: I Ngarimu 32, R Ngatai 32.
Men’s stableford: I Logan 71-11-60, 42; N Dewes 82-17-65, 37; D Goldsmith 83-17-66, 36.
Twos: D Goldsmith, I Logan.