He has a net total of 200 for his three best scores, four ahead of Brent Colbert and Brad Morgan, who moved up the board with his competition-winning 76-9-67 on Sunday.
A mass of players are sitting around the cut mark for places in the final in which 19 players tee off the first and a player is eliminated each hole until one remains on the 18th green.
WEDNESDAY — Freyberg Salver women’s drawn pairs combined stableford: M Francois/D Kirkpatrick 70; J Muir/F Allen 64.
Twos: T Lewis.
9-holers’ stableford: W Linton 23.
TUESDAY — Veterans’ stableford: D Atkins 40, B Morrissey 37, J McGregor 37, N Jenkins 37, B Read 37.
Twos: N Jenkins.
SUNDAY — Men’s stableford: B Morgan 41, G Clapham 38, D Bullivant 37.
Twos: G Morley, B Morgan.
Approach: G Morley.
SATURDAY — Men’s stableford, division 1: J Jenner 37, V Richardson 37, T Goldsmith 37, B Anderson 37, B Talbot 37.
Division 2: J McGregor 37, K Goldsmith 35, C Poole 35.
Approach: K Goldsmith.
Thursday (Oct 5) — Men’s stableford, division 1: T Goldsmith 40, A White 38, C Christie 37, N Mackie 36.
Division 2: P Graham 37, J Williams 37, P Humphreys 37, J Pittar 36, Reid Fletcher 36, B Read 36, R Owen 36.
Twos: N Mackie, B Allen, C Christie, T Goldsmith.
Approach: T Goldsmith.
COMING UP: WEDNESDAY, Nov 1, The Agency Poverty Bay women’s open Christmas tournament, 18-hole (report at 8.30am for 9am start) and 9-hole (report at 10.10am for 10.30am start) stableford sections, includes twos and lunch, entries by Monday, Oct 30, contact Anne Gemmell 027-282-4971 or mandagemmell@xtra.co.nz
It will be a golfing Game of Thrones minus the dragons but with plenty of steel-shafted weaponry at Patutahi this weekend.
The King and Queen of the Country two-day open tournament is being held each day.
Tee-off is 11am both days.
Inquiries to George Brown at 027-370-9869 or horiboy1@xtra.co.nz
Chris Parker and Abbie Davis were the competition winners on Sunday as the shootout qualifying for the 2023-24 summer season started.
Parker had three birdies in his men’s net-winning 81-12-69.
First-season member Davis had a personal-best 93-27-66 in topping the women’s net.
SUNDAY — Men’s net: C Parker 69, M King 70, H Harris 72, C Beattie 72.
Women’s net: A Davis 66.
Twos: D Russell.
FRIDAY — Meat pack 9-hole stableford, up to 8-handicap: T Brodie 21, G Brown 20, A Nimmo 20, B Talbot 19, M Smith 19.
9-plus: M White 24, J Tietjen 21, C Newman 20, P Briant 19, D Somerton 19.
COMING UP: SATURDAY/SUNDAY, King and Queen of the Country open tournament, 11am tee-off both days; SUNDAY, October 22, Patutahi open closing day and Ruka Tupara Memorial, 11am tee-off, Canadian mixed foursomes and men’s sections, contact George Brown 027-370-9869 or at horiboy1@xtra.co.nz
The Kelvin and Noeline Ellison and Fiordland Lobster Company Men’s 36-hole Open Tournament is at Māhia on November 4 and 5.
Gross, net (Saturday), stableford (Sunday) and teams’ event (Saturday); maximum handicap of 24 for top prize; 7.30am and 11.30am tee-off times; 9-hole haggle on Friday, Nov 3, to 4pm; inquiries and entries to Maraea Wesche 027-229-2342 or mwesche@gmail.com
Electrinet Park
Another competition, another trophy to the indomitable Karen Hay.
Hay won the King Cup women’s net title recently with a 27-hole score of 92, well clear of runner-up Carney Pipi (103.5).
The King Cup is held annually alongside the Kemp Salver stableford, which was won by Jean Foot with 59 points from Tracey Ford’s 56.
The 18-hole net winner was Tai Aramakutu (71) while the 18-hole stableford honours went to Jacque Nickerson (35) and the 9-hole net winner was Kath Papuni (39).
Pipi and Aramakutu had the best approaches and Hay, Pipi and Ford recorded twos.
WEDNESDAY (Oct 11) — Midweek women’s Peter Hatwell Cup net: K Hay 75.
Milligan Salver putts: J Foot 29.
THURSDAY (Oct 5) — Gordons Pharmacy 9-hole stableford, Week 1: C Akuhata-Brown 25, B Toa 20.
Long drive: D Collier.
Approach: P Stewart.
Non-golfers’ section: R Maynard.
Birdie board: P Stewart, J Willoughby.
Simulator approach: D Gray.
Monkey on the back (worst stableford: D Price.
18-hole stableford: J White 75-5-70, P Nepia 82-12-70.
TUESDAY (Oct 3) — Veterans’ stableford: R Walford 33, J White 32, P Wellard 31, D Harrison 30, K White 30, P Nepia 30.
COMING UP: WEDNESDAY, Nov 11, #Hear4U Blokes Golf Day, 9am start, event features beverages, guest speakers and mystery pack raffles, for more information contact Matt Downie golfdayout@gmail.com
Richard Reeves and Audrey Tamanui-Nunn won the greens in regulation competition on Sunday.
SUNDAY — Greens in regulation competition, men: R Reeves 9, T Reeves 9, D Reeves 9, K Tamanui 8, T Smith 8.
Women: A Tamanui-Nunn 15, A Reeves 11, M Tuapawa 8.
COMING UP: SUNDAY, club competition ; SATURDAY, Nov 11, fundraising tournament for Catherine Mullooly’s women’s world ewe shearing record attempt, Canadian pairs, men’s open sections, limited to 80 entries, 10.30am cup of tea, 11.30am tee-off, lunch provided, contact Audrey 022-177-2474.
Tolaga Bay
New golfer Wyn Tautau cleaned up the regulars in the club net on Sunday.
Tautau fired 102-39-63 — his round ranging from two pars to a 10 — to win by two shots from Bruce Yates (71-6-65).
SUNDAY — Stableford: W Tautau 63, B Yates 65, P Stevenson 69.
Putting: B Yates 27.
Approach: M Watts,
Twos: B Yates.
COMING UP: SUNDAY, committee meeting, 10am.
Golf Roundup compiled and edited by Chris Taewa. If you have a story, tournament to promote or results you wish to have printed, contact
The Gisborne Herald at 869-0633 or email sports@gisborneherald.co.nz