“Everyone’s excited — all the kura are excited and ready to go,” Ms Poi said.
Local teams competing are Tolaga Bay Area School, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori (TKKM) o Te Waiū, TKKM o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti, Manutūkē School, Horouta Wānanga, Ngata Memorial College, Ritana Lytton High and Tūranga Tāne Tūranga Wāhine.
“Come down and have an experience. See our kura from all over the motu, and the rangatahi showing off their skills in this space,” she said.
There are more than 700 people coming from across the country to compete and watch the event.
Pacific Street will be temporarily closed between SH2 and Centennial Marine Drive from 6am till 6pm on both days.
Iwi health organisation Tūranga Health is the lead host, alongside Whiti Ora Tairāwhiti and working alongside the national kī-o-rahi committee.
They started planning for this in November and organisers are ready to unlock all that planning tomorrow.
The two-day event will start with a pōhiri at 8.30am at Watson Park, followed by the first round at 9am.
The teams that qualified for nationals would have competed in their own regional qualifier and finished in the top four.
The event is open to all and there is no cost to come to watch and support.
Tūranga Health are the food vendors.
The final round is at 2pm on Friday and the prizegiving will be after that.
The mauri (life-force) will be passed on to the next host region to prepare for the next nationals.
- A social media presence via Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok, under the name Manarahi Kī-o-Rahi Kura Tuarua 2024, will be where videos and photographs are posted.