Tairāwhiti schools are well represented at the Waka Ama Secondary School Nationals at Lake Tikitapu (Blue Lake), in Rotorua, which started today and run to Friday.
Ruatōria and Wairoa are to the fore with team entries, while Gisborne Girls’ High School, Gisborne Boys' High School and Lytton High have several individual competitors lining up.
Campion College has an Under-16 boys’ team in the W6 250 metres and 500m, a U19 girls’ team in the W6 250m and 500m and a U19 mixed team in the W12 250m.
Gisborne Girls’ High has Riria Ata and sisters Hevani and Losiane Toupili in the U16 girls’ W1 250m and national J19 sprint champion Hine Brooking in the U19 girls’ 250m.
Girls’ High also has three U16 girls’ teams in the W6 250m and 500m and one team in the U16 girls’ W12 200m. It also has a U19 girls’ team in the W6 250m and 500m and has combined with another school for a U19 mixed team in the W12 250m.