P=pairs; S=singles; T=tons
COSSIE DONE & DUSTED 18: TK Kaio (P3, S2, T13) 100(9), 139, 140(3); M Reedy (P3, S2, T21) 100(13), 123, 133(3), 135, 140(3); J Love (P2, S1, T9) 100(5), 114, 121, 125, 140; B Leach (P2, S2, T10) 100(7), 115, 139, 140; M Leach (P3, S2, T20) 100(17), 125, 140, 180; M Reedy (P3, S1, T7) 100(6), 140.
ROSELAND 3: W Morrell (P1, S0, T7) 10(4), 121, 123, 135; J Collier (P1, S0, T12) 100(6), 121, 124, 125, 126, 135, 140; K Morrell (P0, S1, T13) 100(6), 107, 115, 125, 140(3), 160; J Akurangi (P0, S0, T12) 100(10), 121, 135; F Moreland (P0, S0, T9) 100(4), 107, 125, 137, 140st, 180; M Jones (P0, S1, T3) 100, 121(2).
RSA GUNZ 9: R Edwards (P1, S1, T0); M Hughes (P1, S0, T12) 100(5), 123, 124, 129, 140(4); I Eyles (P2, S2, T20) 100(12), 121, 140(7); T Eyles (P2, S0, T3) 100(3); L Eyles (P1, S0, T6) 100(4), 119, 135st; P Stewart (P1, S2, T12) 100(6), 121, 125, 140(3), 180.
RSA STALLIONS 12: K Unuwai (P0, S1,T8) 100(3), 125(2), 134, 140(2); E Brown (P0, S2, T7) 100(7); H Ngarangione (P3, S1, T21) 100(13), 125, 139, 140(5), 140st; A Charlie (P3, S1, T12) 100(8), 125, 140(2), 140st; K Arahanga (P2, S2, T20) 100(9), 103, 104, 137, 140(6), 180, 180st; K Tamihere (P2, S0, T14) 100(9), 104, 121(3), 140.
2NZEF TAO SPARTANS 6: T Campbell-Ratapu (P2, S0, T19) 100(14), 121, 125, 140(2), 157; F Waihape (P2, S1, T4) 100(4); P Waihape (P1, S1, T9) 100(5), 123, 140(2), 140st; A Tangira (P1, S1, T10) 100(6), 135, 140(3); J Ahuriri (P0, S0, T7) 100(4), 125, 134, 135; A Cashmore (P0, S0, T9) 100(5), 105, 123, 134, 140.
2NZEF REBELS 15: Q Stevens (P1, S2, T16) 100(9), 121, 125, 134, 140(3), 140st; G Vaotu’ua (P1, S2, T4) 100(3), 180; L Kaa (P3, S1, T12) 100(6), 120(2), 125, 140(2), 180st; J Noanoa (P3, S1, T14) 100(9), 112f, 123, 135, 140(2); S Jenkins (P2, S1, T6) 100(4), 128f, 140; M Stevens (P2, S2, T13) 100(7), 101, 125, 128f, 135, 140(2).
2NZEF TAO VIKINGS 9: J Horua (P1, S0, T9) 100(2), 115, 121, 125(2), 140, 140st, 156; J Campbell-Ratapu (P1, S0, T6) 100(3), 120, 125(2); M Hawea (P3, S0, T15) 100(9), 121(2), 125, 132, 135, 140; A Kaiwai (P3, S1, T11) 100(5), 121, 123, 136, 140(2), 180; A Taukamo-Pohio (P1, S2, T16) 100(8), 125, 140(3), 140st, 180(3); H Eyles (P1, S1, T10) 100(2), 113f, 115, 120(2), 121, 123, 140, 180.
BREZZ’N GOLD 12: T Irwin (P2, S2, T20) 100(9), 121, 123, 125, 140(7), 180st; H Woollett (P2, S1, T5) 100(4), 115; T TeKira (P1, S2, T17) 100(11), 114, 123, 140, 140st, 142, 180; M Awatere (P1, S1, T6) 100(3), 125(2), 180; P Tom (P1, S1, T6) 100(2), 121, 125, 140st, 142; J White (P1, S1, T12) 100(8), 123, 140(2), 140st.
BREZZ’N SILVER 7: K Hartley (P1, S1, T3) 100(2), 120; W Coe (P1, S1, T3) 100, 116st, 121; J Smith (P2, S0, T2) 100, 105; M Lee (P2, S0, T2) 105, 134; W deGroot (P1, S0, T2) 100(2); J Budd (P1, S1, T4) 100, 138, 140st(2)
2NZEF TAO VALKYRIES 8: H Kaiwai (P2, S0, T7) 100(3), 100st, 140(2), 160; D Barbarich (P2, S0, T3) 100(2), 118; J Waihape (P0, S1, T2) 100, 119; M Waihape (P0, S1, T1) 116; M Ahuriri (P3, S1, T3) 100, 133, 177; A Kaa (P3, S0, T2) 100, 160.
2NZEF/2NZ3 10: L Wynyard (P2, S1, T3) 100(2), 140; H Pohatu (P2, S1, T2) 100(2); L Cook (P3, S0, T5) 100(4), 100st; K Pewhairangi (P3, S1, T2) 101, 133; H Pewhairangi (P0, S1, T3) 100(2), 118.
RSA (1) 5: C Holmes (P1, S0, T2) 100(2); F Cameron (P1, S0, T0); M Jukes (P1, S1, T4) 100(3), 140; M Hooper (P1, S0, T0); M Eparaima (P1, S0, T0); W Aston (P1, S1, T1) 109.
COSSIE 6-SHOOTERS 6: S Titter (P1, S0, T2) 100(2); D Allen (P1, S0, T2) 100(2); S Ratima (P1, S1, T5) 100(2), 125, 140(2); T ONeill (P1, S1, T2) 100(2); R Moore (P1, S1, T1) 100; R McDonald (P1, S1, T3) 100(2), 100st.
RSA SPANDANGLES 9: S Gooch (P3, S1, T4) 100(3), 110f; K Jacobs (P3, S1, T5) 100(3), 100st, 140; M Evans (P2, S0, T11) 100(6), 100st, 140, 140st(2), 180; N Gooch (P2, S0, T0); C Andrews (P1, S0, T2) 100(2); N Wallace (P1, S1, T3) 100(2), 100st.
COSSIE EASTLAND ASPHALTS 4: P McRoberts (P1, S1, T3) 100(2), 140; L Groenewald (P1, S0, T3) 100, 132, 140st; S Nisbett (P2, S0, T3) 100(2), 125; A Wildbore (P2, S0, T1) 101; M Vette (P0, S0, T1) 100.
RSA OUTLAWS 11: R Leach (P3, S0, T6) 100, 100st(2), 125, 140(2); M Reeves (P3, S1, T3) 100(2), 128; D Reeves (P2, S1, T9) 100(4), 100st(3), 115, 140; T Reeves (P2, S1, T0); C Waikawa (P1, S1, T3) 100(3); A Leach (P1, S1, T1) 100.
Individual highlights
180s: Alf Cross (Tigers), Hunter Eyles (Da Bros).
Highest start: 180 - Alf Cross (Tigers).
Highest finish: 151 - John White (Tigers).
Most tons: 21 - John White (Tigers).
Team Results
Semifinal,Tigers 9 DaBros 3: J White 151 fin,140(2), 135, 123, 121(2), 100st(3), 100(11); T.TeKira 140(3), 125, 100(4); A Cross 180st, 137, 122, 117, 100 fin, 100; T.Reeves 121, 100st, 100; H.Eyles 180, 140st, 140 (5), 126, 100st(2), 100(2); Jayduz 140st, 121, 109, 100.
Grand final is Falcons v Tigers, date to be confirmed.