Malissa Te Purei (GGHS) goes high to deny Shanti Nukunuku-Mcllroy (Turanga Tangata Rite) during their match at the tournament. Pictures by Paul Rickard
The Tairāwhiti Secondary School ‘Fast 5’ netball festival was held at the Victoria Domain courts yesterday.
It involved 357 students and 48 teams from eight schools (Te Karaka, Manutuke, Sonrise Christian School, Girls’ High and Boys’ High, Horouta Wananga, Whatatutu and Turanga Tangata Rite).
“It was a fun interschool event
to end the term, and gave netballers and those new to the game a chance to soak up social netball at its best,” said Gisborne Netball Centre Youth Development Officer Monique McLeod.
There were awards for the most ‘long bombs’ (2-3 point goals), best dressed and the most positive team.
“It was a great opportunity for students of all levels to enjoy the buzz of interschool sports.”