Open Horse 1.20m — Horses over 7 years, Special 2Phase, Art Maurice Beatson (Dannevirke) Gold Locks, 1; Michelle Wakeling (Wellsford) BMW Chaccolilli, 2; Edward Bullock (Waiuku) Weiti Pogo, 3; Liam Rutland (Tokanui) Gallipoli NZPH, 4; Samantha Wakeling (Wel) BMW Braveheart, 5.
Open Horse 1.20m — Horses 7 years & under, Special 2Phase, Art 274.2: Brooke Edgecombe (Waipukurau) Inca NZPH, 1; Kate Wynyard (Taupō) Classic Encounter, 2; Cindy Kershaw, Kiwi Vision, 3; Brooke Edgecombe (Wai) Firenze du Rouet, 4; Tyla Hackett (Cam) Takapoto Checkito, 5.
Open Horse A2 1.30m Art 238.2.1: Johanna Wylaars (Christchurch) Campari, 1; Maurice Beatson (Dan) Central Edition, 2; Edward Bullock (Wai) Kiwi Sundance, 3; Michelle Wakeling (Wel) BMW Chaccolilli, 4.
Open Horse A2 1.40m Art 238.2.1: Geordie Bull (Ati) Marius, 1; Oliver Edgecombe (Wai) Takapoto Tinka, 2; Maurice Beatson (Dan) Central Edition, 3; Johanna Wylaars (Chr) Cassera MS, 4.
Open Pony 1.10m Special 2Phase, Art Molly McEwan, Wembleybrook Giovanni, 1; Iyve Speirs, Ace, 2; Georgie Coop, Barney Rubble, 3; Eva Wylaars (Chr) Larabelle, 4; Lily Kent (Ōtā) Jonsey, 5.
Open Pony 1.20m Special 2Phase, Art Lottie Bull (Ati) Rascal Flatts OS, 1; Ella von Dadelszen (Wai) Redcliffs Colour Me Quick, 2.
Open Horse A1 90cm Art 238.1.1: Paula Newman (Mōtū) Holly, 1; Grace Cooney (Wairoa) Passion, 1; Abby Hindmarch (Putauaki, RD2) The Greatest Showman, 1; Emma Gibson, Midweek Martini, 1; Holly Baines, Glo, 1; Toby Lane, Ferrero NZPH, 1; Caroline Coop, Zola, 1; Chris Peterson (Whakatāne) KK Tane Mahuta, 1.
Open Horse 1.00m Special 2Phase, Art Archie Bullock (Waiuku) Hunting Henry, 1; Holly Baines, Glo, 2; Jackie Jermyn (Hamilton) Lets Go, 3; Annabelle Gourlie, Double 0 Seven, 4; Nikita Noord (Whakatāne) Wainui Tommy, 5.
Open Horse 1.10m Special 2Phase, Art Michelle Wakeling (Wel) BMW Chaccodaizie, 1; Charles Rau, Kiwi Jojokee, 2; Jesse Linton (Has) Graffene MH, 3; Bayly Jacobs (Porangahau) Jemima, 4; Rhiannon Groen (Waipawa) At First Glance, 5.
Open Pony A1 80cm Art 238.1.1: Ava Powdrell (Wairoa) My Buckskin Beauty, 1; Dali Parsons (Te Puke) Let's Tango, 1; Elliott Swanson, Milky Way, 1; Kyra Purcell (Wha) Mikado Johnny Angel, 1; Annabel Alexander (Nuhaka) My Sweet Nevaeh, 1; Stella Hogarth, Brenwood Sampsan, 1; Tilly Alexander (Nuh) Little MacIntosh, 1; Charli Robinson (Wha) Zeus, 1; Hannah Andrew, Mt Tulloch Fantail, 1; Chloe Garbett, Eskada, 1.
Open Pony 90cm Special 2Phase, Art Charli Robinson (Wha) Zeus, 1; Molly McEwan (Ngatapa) Fire Bandit, 2; Sam Brooks, The Tontonator, 3; Lucy Robinson (Havelock North) Roo Baloo, 4; Novah Parsons (Te Puke) Over Easy, 5.
Open Pony 1.00m Special 2Phase, Art Zara von Dadelszen (Wai) Ngahiwi Roany Pony, 1; Georgia Hulme-Moir, Chica Caliente, 2; Zoe McNaught, Hocus Pocus Alakazam MJK, 3; Sam Brooks, The Tontonator, 4; Iyve Speirs, WE Benson, 5.
HOYQ Pony 60cm A: Harlow Greaves, Hololio Sparkling Rose, 1; Anna Spence (Cam) Greyfriars Imp, 2; Pippa Petro (Hav) Glynmawr Pete’s Boy, 3; Kensi McCarty (Has) Pied Piper Time Will Tell, 4; Willa Morton (Has) Paint The Skye, 5; Lily Kent (Ōtā) Ataahua Rapture, 6.
HOYQ Pony 70cm A: Anna Spence (Cam) Greyfriars Imp, 1; Pippa Petro (Hav) Glynmawr Pete’s Boy, 2; Lily Kent (Ōtā), Ataahua Rapture, 3; Kensi McCarty (Has) Pied Piper Time Will Tell, 4; Zara Peacock (Wai) Buffalo Man, 5; Novah Parsons (Te Puke) Lancewoods Captain Barbossa, 6.
Vero Insurance HOYQ Pony Highpoints 70cm: Kensi McCarty (Has) Pied Piper Time Will Tell, 1; Anna Spence (Cam) Greyfriars Imp, 2; Zara Peacock (Wai) Buffalo Man, 3; Lily Kent (Ōtā) Ataahua Rapture, 4; Pippa Petro (Hav) Glynmawr Pete’s Boy, 5; Novah Parsons (Te Puke) Lancewoods Captain Barbossa, 6.
Bay of Plenty & Waikato Show Hunter Groups 12 years & under Equitation Series 70cm: Pippa Petro (Hav) Glynmawr Pete’s Boy, 1; Kensi McCarty (Has) Pied Piper Time Will Tell, 2; Annabel Alexander (Nuh) My Sweet Nevaeh, 3; Zara Peacock (Wai) Buffalo Man, 4; Harlow Greaves, Hololio Sparkling Rose, 5; Novah Parsons (Te Puke) Lancewoods Captain Barbossa, 6.
EJ Gordon Livestock Champion Show Hunter Pony (combined class): Harlow Greaves, Hololio Sparkling Rose, 1; Zoe McNaught, Nitro Pandora, 2; Kaycee Andrew, Charlie Taplin, 3; Georgie Coop, Barney Rubble, 4; Lily Kent (Ōtā) Ataahua Rapture, 5.
HOYQ Pony 70cm B: Annabel Alexander (Nuh) My Sweet Nevaeh, 1; Willa Morton (Has) Paint The Skye, 2; Elliott Swanson, Milky Way, 3; Ella Rouse, DC Mytee Atlas, 4; Toby Lane, LWS Lady Latte, 5; Sophia Hall (Wha) Hallridge Rising Star, 6; Axelrose Campbell, Irie Queen, 6.
HOYQ Pony 80cm B: Georgie Coop, Barney Rubble, 1; Annabel Alexander (Nuh) My Sweet Nevaeh, 2; Rose Kershaw, My Luna Eclipse, 3; Willa Morton (Has) Paint The Skye, 4; Toby Lane, LWS Lady Latte, 5; Elliott Swanson, Milky Way, 6.
Fiber Fresh HOYQ Pony Highpoints 80cm B: Georgie Coop, Barney Rubble, 1; Annabel Alexander (Nuh) My Sweet Nevaeh, 2; Rose Kershaw, My Luna Eclipse, 3; Elke Higgins, Gozzy, 4; Axelrose Campbell, Irie Queen, 5; Ella Rouse, DC Mytee Atlas, 6.
HOYQ Pony 80cm C: Kyra Purcell (Wha) Mikado Johnny Angel, 1; Zoe McNaught, Nitro Pandora, 2; Maisey Alexander (Nuh) Showtym Mamma Mia 3; Abi Martin (Rotorua) Awahou Hokey Pokey, 4; Ruby Carr, MJK Isle of Skye, 5; Maria Atsalis, Lady Moet, 6.
Big On Writing Show Hunter Pony Rider Equitation 80cm: Kaycee Andrew, Charlie Taplin, 1; Zoe McNaught, Nitro Pandora, 2; Kyra Purcell (Wha) Mikado Johnny Angel, 3; Elliott Swanson, Milky Way, 4; Georgie Coop, Barney Rubble, 4; Maisey Alexander (Nuh) Showtym Mamma Mia, 4.
HOYQ Pony 90cm C: Ruby Carr, MJK Isle of Skye, 1; Zoe McNaught, Nitro Pandora, 2; Kyra Purcell (Wha) Mikado Johnny Angel, 3; Maisey Alexander (Nuh) Showtym Mamma Mia, 4; Abi Martin (Rot) Awahou Hokey Pokey, 5; Maria Atsalis, Lady Moet, 6.
The Brave Pants Company Pony Highpoints 90cm C: Maisey Alexander (Nuh) Showtym Mamma Mia, 1; Zoe McNaught, Nitro Pandora, 2; Ruby Carr, MJK Isle of Skye, 3; Abi Martin (Rot) Awahou Hokey Pokey, 4; Kaycee Andrew, Charlie Taplin, 5; Maria Atsalis, Lady Moet, 6.