Results —
Social Grade: Woolie Jumpers 3½ Stanley Family 2½; Asure Quality 3 Slammers 3 (Assure won on points countback 122- 118); Happy Go Lucky 4 4TEEN 2, Turanga Health 3½ HDUBZ 2½.
Competitive Grade: Mixed Combo 3 Unknowns 3 (Mixed Combo won on points countback 130-121); RSL51s 5 3+1 1; Cuzzys 6 WSP 0.
Draw for tomorrow (final night) — 6pm: Court 1, Woolie Jumpers v Asure Quality; 2, Slammers v Stanley Family; 3, HBUDZ v Happy Go Lucky; 4, 4TEEN v Turanga Health.
7.15pm: 1, RSL51s v Mixed Combo; 2 & 3, 3 + 1 v Cuzzys; 4, WSP v Unknowns.
Duty Team: Cuzzys (sweep courts at the end of night).
All unpaid fees need to be paid. Teams unable to find a replacement player or with other inquiries, ring Linda 027-264-8660.