A young couple, who were living with their baby and five-year-old son in their grandparents’ sleep-out, are the first people in Tairāwhiti to use Kāinga Ora’s First Home Partner scheme to get into their own first home.
The recent Government announcement of changes to the scheme mean it will be an option for more people to own their first home, Kāinga Ora stakeholder relationship manager Theo Akroyd said.
“The couple started looking to buy a home when they were expecting their second child. They were in KiwiSaver and were eligible for Kāinga Ora’s First Home Loan and First Home Grant.
“After getting pre-approval for a small bank loan they started looking for something to buy. They looked at a couple of homes in Gisborne but the only things in their price bracket needed a lot of work. One they looked at was tiny and cold with holes in the roof. They couldn’t really afford to buy the house, let alone get the holes fixed. This is a situation many of our people find themselves in.
“They were living about 25 minutes out of Gisborne. Down the road they saw a paddock being subdivided and homes transported on to the sections. One home was already taken, but after speaking with the developers they found out that the other one was available. The house was modern, with three bedrooms, a big deck and room for a large vegetable garden. Better still, it was close to both of the couple’s marae.