The Act-National agreement also contains a number of stop-work notices to be issued immediately: including for Three Waters, Auckland Light Rail, Let’s Get Wellington Moving, income insurance, industry transformation plans, and the Lake Onslow Pumped Hydro investigation.
The new Government will restore the right to local referendums on Māori wards, and require them at the next local-body elections for councils such as ours that introduced them recently. It will remove co-governance from the delivery of public services, and disestablish the Māori Health Authority.
National, of course, leads the Government and gets the vast majority of its policy platform endorsed and supported by its coalition partners.
Compared to National’s fiscal plan there is a little less revenue generation, which is likely to be offset by deeper spending cuts; money for its tax cuts package that it intended to come from a tax on foreign home buyers will be found from “reprioritisation and other revenue gathering”.
There were no big surprises in the coalition reveal yesterday, but the new Government and new political partnership certainly has an ambitious work programme to get on with.