Tennis for beginners to experienced players. Ormond Tennis Club, Hill Rd, Ormond, 2-4pm, ph Geoff 862 5741 or Tania 862 5856. New members welcome.
Spitfire presents: Seafood Festival. An epic evening celebrating seafood, music and friends. Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 5pm. Tickets: ph 021 446 441 or from Kingpin, 75 Gladstone Rd, $50 each incl four-course meal. See our Facebook page for menu details.
The Walsh Brothers: Live. Smorgasbord dinner and concert, with a tribute to Billy T James and Prince Tui Teka. The White House, 69 Peel Street, 6-7pm dinner, 7-9.30pm show. Tickets: $40 from the venue, ph 867 1112.
Good Folk folk dancing: Dances from Planet Earth. Come along for fun or friendship with Greek Miserlou, Irish sets and American mixers. All ages welcome, no experience or partners required. St Andrew’s Hall, 176 Cobden St, 7-9.30pm, $5 entry and a plate for supper. Kids dance free.
Sunday, November 4
Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club. Varied weekly 1.5-hour walk with a friendly cuppa and chat afterwards. 8am start. Meeting place details:
Gas Guzzler Breakfast. Everyone welcome to check out the cars on the Quay. Behind the Courthouse on Reads Quay, 8.30-11am, ph Rick 027 490 1373 for details.
2018 Rose and Iris Show, 9.30am-3.30pm. See Saturday Nov 3 listing.
The Waimata River: Past, Present and Future. Two community meetings with short talks from four speakers on the river’s history and a community discussion about its future. Waimata Valley Community Hall, 10am-midday and Waikanae Surf Life Saving Club, 280 Grey St, 3-5pm, free.
Amazing Rhododendrons: Motu, 10am-4pm. See Saturday Nov 3 listing.
Jolly Lifestyle Market. Live music, stalls, parking in the paddock. Jolly Stockman carpark, 3 Saleyards Rd, 11am-2pm, weather permitting. Stall holder inquiries;
Festival of Lights: Diwali. Free food, turban and sari workshops, cultural performances, henna artists and bouncy castles. Gisborne Girls’ High School, 11am-2pm, free.
Gisborne Country Music Club. Singers and musicians welcome. Blind Foundation Rooms, 39 Grey St, 1-4pm, members $2, non-members $3, incl afternoon tea, ph Flo 867 7637 or
The Irish Club. Join us if you possess a sense of humour and a real passion for all things Irish. The Rivers, cnr Gladstone Rd & Reads Quay, 4-6pm, for details ph Phil 867 3715.
Monday, November 5
Gisborne Contract Bridge Club. Supervised play, new players welcome. 572 Gladstone Rd, 9.15-11.30am, $4, ph Jean 867 2383.
Social Morning Badminton. New players welcome and rackets available. Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd, 9.15-11.30am, $4, ph 867 2584.
Teen Writers' Hub: for ages 13-18 with an interest in any genre of writing. HB Williams Memorial Library Mahutonga Room, 34 Bright St, 3.30-5pm, free.
Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd. New players welcome, rackets available. Junior Summer Badminton Club, 4.30-5.30pm, Year 3-9 $5/night, $40 subscription, ph 027 350 9482. Summer Badminton Club, 7-9pm, Seniors $8, Year 11-13 $6, subscription $80, ph 021 216 6700.
Gisborne Rowing Club Quiz Night. A fun night for teams of 6-8 players, spot prizes and raffles. The Rivers, cnr Gladstone Rd & Reads Quay, 6pm, $15 each, ph 027 335 5955 or Cherie at
Hibernian Club Indoor Bowls, Gisborne Intermediate Hall, 7pm, ph Arnold 868 5529.
Fun Dancing Gisborne. Beginners classes for modern, sequence and social ballroom dancing. St Andrew’s Hall, 176 Cobden St, 7.30-10pm, $5 including supper, ph Kev/Isabel 867 0074.
Tuesday, November 6
Gisborne Canoe and Tramping Club walk, Whangara, departs 8am, $4. A circuit walk, open country, great views. Bring warm clothes as can be brisk. Will stop at the test wind turbine. Register, Stuart at or 868 5418.
Managing employees for better business success. A seminar with topics: Hiring employees, employment agreements, workplace relationships/health and safety. Emerald Hotel, 13 Gladstone Rd, 8.30-10.30am, free, limited spaces, book at
Baby Time: for ages 0-2, parents and caregivers. Interactive play and rhymes to springboard your baby into early learning. HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 10am, free.
Waipaoa Calcutta. Support the Waipaoa Farm Cadet Training Trust Fundraiser and join in for live Melbourne Cup racing, live and silent auctions, buffet meal and music. The White House, 69 Peel Street, 1-10pm. Tickets: $120, Facebook Messenger or ph 021 210 3153.
Scrabble Club: for children of any age. Play for points or just for fun. HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 3-5pm, free.
Gisborne Wainui Lions meeting. A friendly club, who have fun while making a difference in our community. The White House, 69 Peel Street, 5.30pm.
Freedance. A freestyle dance offering for all abilities and ages. Wainui Beach School Hall, 56 Wairere Rd, 6.30-7.30pm, $5. Bring comfy clothes and water bottle. See our Facebook page.
Poverty Bay Blues Night. We promote, perform and educate the Gisborne region about blues music. PBC, 38 Childers Rd, doors open 7pm, music 8pm, $5 door sales, R18.
Wednesday, November 7
Social Tennis. For beginners to experienced players. Gisborne Tennis Club, 418 Childers Rd, 9.30-11.30am, $5 including a cuppa, ph Dusk 863 0218.
Growing Native Trees. Learn to grow native trees from seeds or cuttings. Women’s Native Tree Nursery, EIT Rural Studies, 320 Stout St, 1-2.30pm. Details ph Kauri 021 125 9442.
Papamahi Tameha whakapai. Make your own cleaning products. Tolaga Bay Fire Station, 41 Cook St, 1-6pm, ph Rawinia 021 247 1797 or
Thursday, November 8
Ano te rite ki te Ngahere. Promote, share and learn about integrated sustainable land use. Ngata Memorial College, Ruatoria, 8.30am, contact Pia at
Technology for Older People. SeniorNet executive officer Grant Sidaway presents: why technology is important for older people, a 3D printer demonstration and an introduction to Virtual Reality. HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 10am-midday, free.
Twilight Street Food Markets. Local food vendors, live music, giveaways, and kid-friendly entertainment. Te Wananga o Aotearoa, 630 Childers Rd, 5pm, free entry, food $5 or less.
Twilight Badminton Doubles Tournament (to Dec 6). Bring a friend, partner or colleague for three guaranteed matches a night. No experience required and rackets provided. Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd, 6pm, $50/team/5 weeks. Details: Tina at or ph 027 569 6273, register at
Freedance. A freestyle dance offering for all abilities and ages. YMCA Stadium, 447 Childers Rd, 6.30-7.30pm, $6. Bring comfy clothes and a water bottle. See our Facebook page.
Parenting with Pio: Whanau Parenting Show. Pio Terei shares his parenting tips with stories and humour. The White House, 69 Peel Street, 7-8.30pm, free, ph 867 1112.
Circle Dances of Europe. Six-week course introducing common circle dance styles. Partners are not necessary. St Andrew’s Church Hall, 176 Cobden St, 7-9pm, $10 at the door.
Gisborne Caledonian Society Dance. Modern, sequence and social dancing for beginners. St Mark's Hall, 776 Childers Rd, 7.30-9.30pm, $4. All welcome.
Friday, November 9
Ano te rite ki te Ngahere. Promote, share and learn about integrated sustainable land use. Ngata Memorial College, Ruatoria, 8.30am, contact Pia at
The Scrabblers. A drop-in scrabble morning for adults. HB Williams Memorial Library Upstairs Flexi-Space, 34 Bright St, 9am, free.
Donner’s Bush Micro-reserve: Tree care. Support the restoration of the Waimata through mulching and caring for recently planted rakau. Meet: 9.15am at DoC, 63 Carnarvon St or 9.30am at Donner’s Bush, bring drink bottle, sun gear and suitable footwear, ph Charles 027 539 6692.
Burrow into Books: Sale for Bookworms (to Nov 10). A great selection of bargain books to choose from. HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 9.30am-4.30pm.
Toddler Time: for ages 2-5. Bring your children and their friends along for songs and stories. HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright St, 10-10.30am, free.
Ambitious Gisborne Women Exhibition (to Mar 3, 2019). How Gisborne women mobilised to go to the polls for the first time in 1893. Tairawhiti Museum, opening today: 5.30-7pm, and thereafter: Mon-Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 1.30-4pm, locals free, visitors $5, ph 867 3832.
Build-a-Band. Turn up and jam. Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 8pm, free entry, R18.
Bronwyn Kay Agency Sporting Excellence Awards. Celebrate the region’s sporting talent with MC Brodie Kane, includes a full buffet dinner. Showgrounds Park Event Centre, 20 Main Rd, Makaraka, 6-11.30pm. Tickets: $70 adult, $45 youth, from Sport Gisborne Tairawhiti, Level 1, 74 Grey St or and
Saturday, November 10
Gisborne Parkrun, 8am start. See Saturday Nov 3 listing.
NZ Iris Society: Garden visit day. Join Society members on a trip around local gardens. Leave from the Captain Cook Motor Lodge, 31 Awapuni Rd at 8.30am, $65 each (includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch and bus trip). To book/pay: ph Maggie 021 171 2509.
St Andrew’s Car Boot Sale. A variety of realistically-priced bargains. 8am set-up in carpark behind church (access off Childers Rd), 9am-midday, $5/car, ph 868 5513.
Sale for Bookworms: Burrow into Books, 9.30am-12.30pm. See Friday listing.
Remembrance and Reconciliation Service. To mark the 150th anniversary of Te Kooti’s early morning raid. Matawhero Historic Presbyterian Church, 26 Church Lane (off Saleyards Rd), Matawhero, 10am.
Holiday Arts, Crafts and Pre-Loved Faire. A fundraising event for Evolution Theatre with stalls, crafts, bake sale and sausage sizzle. Evolution Theatre Company, 75 Disraeli St, 10am-2pm. Stallholder inquiries: ph 027 226 9308 or
Love Desire Attachment: Meditation Day Course. Kadampa Buddhist nun Kelsang Shechog shows how to distinguish between love and attachment. Room PD102, EIT Campus, from the Derby St entrance follow the signs to F-Block, 10am-3.45pm, $50 incl refreshments, bring own lunch. Bookings:
Ormond Tennis Club, 2-4pm. See Saturday Nov 3 listing.
TRAMPS. All singers, musicians and poetry readers are welcome to come along and perform. The Band Room, 200 Childers Rd, 2-4pm, $2 in the jar, ph John 868 9658.
Superstock Challenge, Production Saloons Best Pairs. Eastland Group Raceway, 357 Awapuni Rd, gates open 6pm, racing starts 7pm. Gate sale only tickets (subject to change): $40 family (2A+3C), $15 adult, $10 pensioner, $8 child 5-15yrs, u/5s free.
Poverty Bay Blues Club: Room Full of Blues. Enjoy the bluesy talent of Big Rich, Sarah Spicer and Brilleaux. Dome Room, PBC, 38 Childers Rd, 6pm, $20 door sales, or cash-only pre sales from The Aviary.
Geoff Sewell of Amici Forever: The Greatest Showman. A blend of opera and popular music, featuring the Mangapapa Primary School Choir. Proceeds to The Sewell Foundation which works with family and schools to treat autism holistically. War Memorial Theatre, 159 Bright St, 7.30-9.30pm. Tickets: $91.50 adult, $81.50 senior, Stephen Jones Photography and
Ink+Iron Bike and Tattoo Show. A tattoo show, music and much more. Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 1pm-midnight, Show and Shine starts 1pm, gold coin donation, child-friendly. Tattoo show starts 5pm, $10 entry incl evening entertainment, door sales, R18.
Sunday, November 11
Gisborne Canoe and Tramping Club walk, Torohiwi Station, Matawai, departs 8am, $6. A farm walk with variety: rail history, spectacular views and native bush remnant. Register, Gillian at or 867 4591.
Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club, 8am start. See Sunday Nov 4 listing.
Armistice 100 years Commemoration Parade and Service. Parade assembles at the Wi Pere monument, Reads Quay at 10.30am. Marching to the Cenotaph on The Esplanade for a wreath-laying service. The East Coast Museum of Technology’s newly restored WW1 German Trench Mortar will be blank firing during the march. Parade concludes at 11.40am.
A celebration of Peace through Music and Song circa 1918. Join the Gisborne Concert Band to celebrate Armistice Day. Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, 2-4pm, $15 door sales, includes afternoon tea and song sheet.
Poverty Bay Blues Club: Room Full of Blues. Some high-energy rhythm and blues featuring Brilleaux unplugged. Dome Garden Bar, PBC, 38 Childers Rd, 4-6pm, $10 door sales, or cash-only pre sales from The Aviary.