After a solid month of shipping in May, the weather caused major disturbances in June, impacting on cart-in and port operations at Eastland Port. “We still managed to ship 193,499 tonnes of logs across nine ships for the month of June,” an Eastland Port spokeswoman said.
“We are going to have a special visit from the Rangitata (cargo vessel) in a couple of weeks, delivering fertiliser.
“Wharf 7 is the star of the show at the moment as we are reaching the end of the project.” The last pre-cast concrete panel was installed last week, leaving the remaining amount of deck pours and a few bollards to be installed. “We are pleased with how the McConnell Dowell team have run this project and it’s great we are on the home straight now,” she said.
“We anticipate the deck will be completed next week and shortly after that we will be seeing vessels berth on Wharf 7.” Pictured is an aerial view of Wharf 7 last week before the last pre-cast concrete deck panel was installed.