“Josiah supported him, and talked to him for about half an hour.”
Mr Cook and his whanau were the first people on the scene after the crash.
He told The Herald that they pulled over to check the situation, called out and heard a groan in reply.
“Other people also went down to the cab in the hour-and-a-half until further help arrived,” the driver's partner said.
Her partner was trapped in the cab.
“Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all those people who stopped and came to help.
“What they did for my partner was over and above.”
A couple of Mongrel Mob members stopped as well and removed unstable rocks from above the truck, she said.
“They also put a rope down the steep bank so people wanting to help could get down to the truck.
“We also want to thank the emergency services who came to help, of course the staff at Gisborne Hospital, the team at Tudor Park Motel, and Weatherell Transport for the awesome help they have provided.”
The injured driver and his partner live in Napier.
The couple flew back to Hawke's Bay yesterday where the driver will receive ongoing care at a local hospital.