■ One of the most negative factors impacting our wellbeing as a region is how we see the condition of the environment in Tairāwhiti.
■ Our sense of safety as a region is quite low compared to the national average.
■ Social support in Tairāwhiti is tracking above the national average.
■ Our region has substantially higher proficiency in te reo speakers who speak fairly well to very well te reo, compared to the national average.
■ We almost double the national average when it comes to people in Tairāwhiti who experience some form of discrimination, whether it's gender, age or ethnicity.
■ Close to 20 percent of respondents often struggle to pay their bills compared to 9 percent at a national level.
■ We have an obvious disparity between low-income and high-income distribution in Tairāwhiti compared to the national average.