Catherine Mulloolly with Tom Wilson, former strong wool world champion and global shearing trainer and sponsor, on the stand at Nukuhakari Station where she will attempt the record tomorrow. Picture supplied
The world record attempt today by Matawai farmer and shearer Catherine Mullooly near Te Kuiti got tougher at the weekend after farmer-turned-shearer Amy Silcock smashed the record near Pahīatua on Sunday.
Shearing under the watch of four World Sheep Shearing Record Society judges, the 37-year-old claimed the women’s solo eight-hours
strongwool ewe-shearing record with a tally of 386 at Ross Na Clonagh Farm.
The previous record of 370 was passed half an hour before the last of the sheep was popped through the porthole just after 5pm.
With 95 and 97 in the two runs before lunch and a gut-busting 101 in the first two hours after what was a light graze, Silcock still got 93 in the last two hours. Towel across the shoulders, stubbie in hand but strung-out on the grass outside, she said, “I’m disappointed I lost two in the last run. I’m glad I got that third run (the 101), but it buggered me. I’ve got nothing left.”
How long she will be the world record holder depends on the challenge Catherine Mullooly will make today.