Your paper recently carried an article over concerns about the high levels of Lake Waikaremoana (December 23), where the TUT spokesperson voiced concerns about the environmental impact.
Incredibly, this is the same organisation that halted the comprehensive lagarosiphon control programme run for years by DoC, that could have eliminated this pest plant species from the lake.
TUT has banned the long-term monitoring programme cataloguing the very impacts fluctuating lake levels have upon the shore ecosystem and the associated weed control.
It is also the same organisation that has neglected the once hugely successful Puketukutuku Peninsula kiwi project and burned down the Manuoha Hut, vital for the monitoring of the rare native snail population located nearby. This hut burning has been deemed unlawful by the recent High Court ruling in Rotorua.
TUT now voicing an ecological conscience (although I do note that this conscience seems to be more focused upon the monetary value of the issue), is like the lead into one of those great Tui beer advertisements: Yeah Right!