Some readers may misinterpret this as responding to current editorial policy. That would be a mistake. I accept the editor’s absolute right to determine what is acceptable to this newspaper and what is not.
However, while l will admit to a certain amount of déjà vu, the real reason for this submission is to discuss the rapid decline of MSM (mainstream media) as a vehicle for public discourse.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, l am one of those regular contributors who believes part of the reason is editors abusing the right obtained to enter readers’ and viewers’ homes, which is a privilege that is conditional.
While it is true that the traditional sections of the population who still buy subscriptions to newspapers and access to TV channels are ageing, the younger generations rely almost exclusively on social media (TikTok, Facebook, etc) for their daily diet of news and like the idea it seems to provide of being in control of what they watch and listen to.
This social phenomenon has been accelerated by smartphones that connect them to the internet and to friends and colleagues no matter where they are, with costs almost totally dependent on usage.