“We will update you as we get more information. SH35 is also closed from Okitu, with SH2 south the only road open out of the region at this stage.”
Minister for Emergency Management Kieran McAnulty flew into Gisborne last night to support the region and is being shown around by Mayor Rehette Stoltz today.
Less rain fell overnight than was forecast however the sustained rainfall over the past three days has made the saturation levels in our soil very high across the region.
“We’re asking everyone to prepare for more rain to come today and please stay off our roads as they are very fragile.
“We’ve had more slips around Whataupoko overnight, and concrete bollards have been installed to stabilise some sections.
“If you’re on a hilly section please check your land and contact us if you notice any cracks, creaking noises, doors sticking in your home or retaining walls leaning.”
Mr Wilson says river levels are being closely monitored and are updated every half an hour on Council’s website.
“If you live close to a river and you’re concerned, do not wait for an official evacuation notice.”
Advice from the Ministry of Health on how to make a temporary toilet is available on Council’s website.
Check Tairāwhiti Civil Defence Facebook page for updates.
People wishing to sign up to receive flood alerts can do so through the Council website
Please report any damage by filing a request for service by using the GDC FIX app on any smartphone, calling us on 0800 653 800, email service@gdc.govt.nz or via the eFix service on Council’s website
Check local roads on Council’s website
Check Waka Kotahi for State Highway updates.