To start with, don’t ask for such old-fashioned things like fixing potholes. Worse, you shouldn’t talk about the damage to your car or the hefty bill for repairs. No use to even mention the risk of bodily injury while driving a car — that is not as important as the risk to pedestrians or cyclists.
You need to ask for a flat surface in (X street) for an art piece by (named local artist) linking the project to the whenua and to the people who were here before the potholes, who are here now, and who will be here into the future.
Say: “The purpose of the project is to create safer, easier, more attractive and friendlier streets for communities to walk, bike or use public transport as an alternative to a car.”
Better still, say: “The proposal is about the older Mayor Stoltz using a Zimmer frame and being able to cross the road safely.” I think that should do the trick.
To be sure, add that by fixing the said potholes:
— “You are giving people options outside of cars to travel; that means fewer cars on the road.”
— “Our community wants to be aspirational, and not to be left behind.”
— “I see us making this community safe for oldies when doing their activities, and for mums
. . . and their prams.”
Add any of the following for additional effect:
— “When crossing these roads, we are playing a game with our own life.”
— “The emphasis is on getting children to bike to school.”
— “Safe cycleways/walkways or time and space went hand-in-hand with connecting, healing and recovery.”
Make sure you use the words equity, diversity and inclusion/inclusivity often and throughout your submission. Wokerati love that.
Emphasise that it goes with “council’s active travel strategy, including cycling, running, scooters, wheelchairs and prams — so involves a very large part of the community”.
Do emphasise: “The benefits of being active are huge.”
Quote others in the street supporting your submission, all saying “It’s aspirational”.