I have a few concerns about the Waka Bridge.
Has anyone even noticed that Te Maro actually faces diagonally away from the proposed viewing platform and will likely be obscured (or even potentially blocked) by the base of Titirangi and its established trees? And those trees will only continue to grow. Check it out on Google maps.
At best the view (if any ) will only be of the upper rear supporting structure and the angled rear edge of the sculpture.
The bridge will not be readily accessible for disabled persons.
And then there’s the potential for missiles (rocks and the like) to be thrown at oncoming traffic — like what happened on the Auckland motorway, and the need for those overbridges to be fenced in.
Also, there will be lots of carcinogenic diesel fumes from all the trucking movements below. The majority of these have vertically mounted exhaust pipes, discharging upwards. Experts have said diesel fumes are more carcinogenic than second-hand cigarette smoke.
Concerns worth investigating??
Peter Millar