Re: Seeking Government approval to reopen Napier-Wairoa line, March 13 story quoting “a KiwiRail spokesperson”.
There has been conjecture the track could be mothballed again — with over 400 damage sites from the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle and other weather events.
However, the state-owned operator has said it is working on “detailed costings and options” and expects to present these to the Government for its consideration in “the coming months”, etc, etc.
The GDC and HBRC CEO did this for the Whareongaonga dropout a few years ago and sent the report to “Key Government Ministers” to consider; $60,000 of ratepayer funds down the drain.
The Government came to Hawke’s Bay and told the media “No more”.
I wrote to the Wairoa Star on April 4 asking who the spokesperson was and if they were trying to keep his or her mates in a job.
I also asked how many millions of dollars was wasted on the Wairoa to Napier link last time . . . There was $5 million from the Provincial Growth Fund for starters — plus, plus, plus.
The spokesperson responded:
“As we have previously stated, we are currently working on costings and options for the section of line between Napier and Wairoa, and expect to present these to the Government for its consideration in the coming months. That remains the position.”
I have written a further letter to the Wairoa Star, asking if the KiwiRail CEO is aware of the spokesperson’s team wasting funds they haven’t got.
The Government has said NO.
Merv Goodley