A waharoa (gateway) at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School has been created to represent the school’s history and coming together of te ao Māori and the Catholic faith.
The waharoa was carved by multi-disciplinary artist Simon Lardelli who helped Campion College with its waharoa last year.
It features tīpuna Kiwa and Paoa, and the two waka Horouta and Tākitimu and at the top is a tekoteko that blends te ao Māori with the school’s special character. It has three J symbols that represent the Josephite nuns and Jesus, Joseph and John the Baptist. A dove represents the holy spirit and there is a silhouette of St Mary.
A blessing ceremony on Thursday morning involved the Catholic faith and te ao Maori.
“For all who enter our school underneath this taonga of a waharoa, they will know that they are entering both a school in Aotearoa New Zealand and a Catholic School,” principal Helen McGuigan said.