“It would be the same as Iran assassinating the US's equivalent, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, in an allied country like Canada,” commented another yes voter.
“The killing of the Iranian chief is seen by many as a declaration of war on Iran and Iraq,” said another yes voter.
“‘Dictator Trump' is as bad as ‘Dictator Hussein' — Assassinate him next” was one yes respondent's comment. Another said, “Playing big boys' war games must be an added bonus when you get to be president.”
And from another — “if that happened on American territory, what would be the outcome?”
On the no side someone praised the order, commenting “Well Done by Trump.”
Another said Qasem Soleimani was a “ruthless terrorist” and that “terrorists should get dealt to”.
One no voter said it wasn't a reckless decision because Trump was now “putting up American lives to avoid impeachment”.
Another in the no camp said, “There's been no mention about the harm the Iran leader has done and was doing to world peace. Someone has to try to keep law and order in the world. Where's the UN?”
A person who voted don't know said time would tell. “It may initiate continuing strife or have a sobering effect.”
Another in the “don't know” camp said “probably he was reckless about it, but I would have to read and learn more about the perceived ‘imminent possible danger' in not gunning the guy down”.
n This poll was only online from Wednesday and was a test of the new polling system on The Herald's new website, which showed it is now working properly.