Among Orbx’s designers is Mr Hansen who developed Gisborne Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D flight training software.
“I chose to develop Gisborne after it was mentioned in a forum some time ago. Orbx already has a few airport add-ons for New Zealand and I have an affinity for scenic non-standard airports.
“What we do is make the airport look like it does in the real world. We add custom-made runways, the terminal buildings, entire cities with different points of interest, and all sorts of details that makes you feel like you’re really there.”
The process of developing an airport is fairly straightforward, says Mr Hansen.
“Photoreal imagery is the main base for our sceneries. Then we add the 3D models on top, along with buildings, trees, and then the airport itself.”
Geographical information and surveying service Land Information New Zealand’s image service provides developers with the ability to cover large areas at no cost.
“In Norway, for instance, aerial imagery is costly and limits us to a smaller area.
“That, and the availability of reference photos from the airport, often decides which project a developer will take on.
“For my Norwegian projects I went to the airport myself and took the photos.
“For Gisborne, I trawled the internet for info, searched through forums, Facebook pages and YouTube videos.”
Increased security can be an obstacle to getting access to the air side of an airport to shoot reference pictures, says Mr Hansen.
“These are key in making the airport look like it does in the real world. We are always looking for people who have access and can help out.”