She has loved her time at EIT|Te Pūkenga and says she has grown as an artist.
“I’d say it’s been the most beautiful journey and probably one of the best decisions I’ve made, and I’m so glad that I went there. I wasn’t sure it was the right place for me, but after a year I knew that I was meant to be there, so it really helped me a lot.
“One thing that taught me about myself, I think despite the long distance, living away from home, I had to find the beauty in this town, in Gisborne, and one was connecting to the land and sea, and second was allowing myself to open up and feel the warmth of the people.
“I’m a painter, so I mostly just paint. I do draw sometimes, but this year I’m trying to actually interpret and incorporate a couple of other elements. I’m trying to spread out and dive into other mediums and become a quite diverse, multi-medium artist.
“I’m looking at going into a bit of bone and stone carving in the future and doing tā moko.”
Last year Bridy received the Ruanuku Award, which is awarded each year to the top all- round student at Toihoukura. The Ruanuku is for a final year undergraduate art student who performs at a high level across a range of requirements. As part of the award, two pieces of Bridy’s work have been selected by the Tairāwhiti Museum and purchased, through the support of Professor Jack Richards, for the Tairāwhiti Museum permanent Māori arts collection.
Bridy is enjoying her life as a teacher, and aims to eventually study for her teaching degree.
“I suppose because my purpose for now and probably for my future is to give back, and that’s what I’m trying to do. It really makes me happy knowing that I can share my skills and my knowledge and pass it on so it carries on the art form and the teachings.”
For now Bridy has been preparing for today’s graduation ceremony at the War Memorial Theatre .
“I’m acknowledging the people, the campus, EIT, and Toihoukura, the staff and managers, administrators, all of that. And then I’m doing a little bit of reflection on my three years at Toihoukura and what it was like for me. I will highlight a lot of the opportunities that were offered to us and give a few words of wisdom, congratulating my friends and of course, my peers.”
Bridy was a great role model for young Māori wāhine, said Tracey Tangihaere, EIT Tairāwhiti executive director and acting head of Toihoukura. “She exemplifies the value of Mātauranga Māori and Toi Māori.
“Toihoukura tutors are very proud of all their graduates today and say Bridy has been a great ambassador across the country and in Canada creative sectors. I am sure she will be successful in her chosen career. We expect to see her as a rising star in the toi Māori sky.”