Early childhood educators get the chance next week to learn from Kids Music Company founder Janet Channon about how music can be an excellent tool to motivate 2 to 5-year-olds. Picture supplied
The founder of The Kids Music Company will be in Gisborne next week to give teachers of 2 to 5 year olds, and parents and caregivers with children in that age range, the opportunity to discover the value of music as a motivator.
Janet Channon’s company provides a powerful vehicle
for learning, as shown by 10 international awards in two decades of creating kids’ music.
“Their music is popular in New Zealand and worldwide, known for it’s fun, funky tunes interlaced with essential learning,” said Sport Gisborne Tairawhiti Active Mokopuna Co-ordinator Monique Mcleod.
“The workshop aims to empower early childhood educators to use music for a wide range of benefits in their classrooms.
“Music is not only useful in developing movement skills, it also builds language, visual strength, focused listening, creativity, social confidence and memory.