Gisborne District Council is now mostly moved into its new building. Without doubt it will have been designed and built to meet every building code best-practice standard so that all who are working inside can be assured they are in a safe and productive working environment well into the future.
Upgrading roads a top priority
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Terry Sheldrake
• Represents the interests of road transport operators nationally
• Lobbies central and local government and responds to government initiatives affecting the industry
• Actively promotes the industry’s interests with key policy setting and enforcing government departments, such as the Ministry of Transport and the NZ Transport Agency
• Works closely with major industry suppliers including oil companies, truck and trailer manufacturers and tyre companies
• Supports the industries’ training organisation
• Keeps members fully informed on matters affecting their business and the industry as a whole.
Road transport issues across Tairawhiti are complex, particularly because of our geology. The predominant issue now though is the increasing number of logging trucks, which regularly take the brunt of criticism for damage to our local road network.
However, unless there is a financially viable and sustainable alternative, getting the logs to our local port — and hopefully to a growing local wood-processing sector — will require an increasing number of log truck movements every day.
As Port Eastland develops plans to accommodate dual berthing (allowing two log ships to be berthed and loaded at a time), our local roading and transport decision-makers must prioritise getting roads ready for the extra load. They also need to keep conscious of the safety factor for our community.
With the likelihood that more and more trees will be planted, it is timely to remember that we do need to ensure that good, productive pastoral land is not taken out.
It is worth noting the value of forestry vs farming loads:
Logs $125 per tonne
Lamb $5000 per tonne
Beef $5500 per tonne
Wool $2500 per tonne.
A truck-load of logs is worth $3750 while a truck-load of steers is worth about $60,000.
The transport weight produced off a forest of pinus radiata is also about 20 times that for a farm when annualised.