Competition organiser Stephen Thomson said they had thought about running the fun competition in the past.
“But because of the Cyclone we thought this would be a good time to bring it together.
“It was thoroughly worthwhile and it was a pretty tight run finish too,” Steve said.
“We are hoping for 10 teams next year.”
• The annual Turihaua Supreme Heifer Challenge was won this year by Tim Gardner from Ormond with his pen of three Murray Greys, ahead of Michael Loffler from Whangara and his Simmentals, and in third Matt Cooper from Ngatapa.
One of Michael Loffler’s heifers was judged champion individual.
Paul Williams from Turihaua Angus said it has been a tough season and it was great to see the support for the competition.
• The Ovation Chilled Lamb Competition winners were — Pen of 3 lambs “on hoof” Wi Pere Finishing 1, Briant Bros Ltd 2, Makorori Station 3. Pen of 3 lambs “on hook” — Amberly Farm 1, Hikatu Farms Whangara 2, Amberly Farm 3. Champion Lamb (Best Carcass) Briant Bros.
“Obviously the Cook Family (Amberly Farm) had another good show,” said Ovation’s Gisborne Livestock Manager Will Faulks.
“They are annual supporters of the event and always produce quality stock.
“The Briant Family from Patutahi featured in the awards again this year.
“Wi Pere and Makorori were first-time entrants, so really good to see some new faces in the chilled lamb competition.
“As far as the rest of the entries the quality of lamb presented by our local farmers was of a very high standard,” he said.
“Considering they have had a difficult season to date it was a credit to them all.
“Entries were similar to last season and it was great to see everyone make the effort on a pretty chilly morning.”
• Mangahauhau Hampshire’s Old Season’s Lamb Final Muster — Single Lamb on hoof — Emma Pollitt 1, Single lamb on hook — Whangara B20. Willows Ag runner up.
“Good to see PGGW representative Emma win,” Mr Faulks said.
“She always supports the competition, along with hook winner Whangara B20’s Bump Mitchell, another annual supporter.
“Super number of entries this year.”
• Short Contracting Breeding Heaviest Pair of New Season Lambs — TNT Contracting, Manutuke 1, Hikatu Farms Whangara 2, Briant Bros, Patutahi 3.
“All in all a good show in the sheep section, well up on entries overall, considering a really tough season,” Mr Faulks said.
“Great to see people still supporting our competitions and many thanks to our sponsors; looking forward to 2024 already!”