Turkey’s elections are fairly free, and there is going to be one this Sunday (May 14). President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been in power for two decades, and he should really lose by a landslide. Imagine what the United States would be like if Donald Trump had been in power for 20 years, and that’s what Turkey looks like today.
The courts work for Erdoğan’s ruling AK Party (Justice and Development Party), and it’s a crime to insult the president. Tens of thousands of people are investigated for it every year, and the penalty if you’re found guilty is one to four years in jail.
The jails are full of journalists and politicians, the media are no longer free, and the economy is a mess: inflation is over 100 percent a year, and most people are struggling just to get by. Five years ago the Turkish economy was 16th largest in the world, and forecast to be 12th biggest by 2050. Instead, it has already fallen to 19th place.
At least 50,000 people were killed in two severe earthquakes in southeastern Turkey in February, but thousands could have been saved if the government had been quicker to rescue the people trapped under their collapsed homes. What put them there was also down to Erdoğan, because “earthquakes don’t kill people; bad buildings do”.
Hundreds of thousands of buildings in the stricken region collapsed because of shoddy construction that ignored the expensive anti-earthquake building codes. Erdoğan’s close relationship with the construction industry let corrupt developers put up whatever they liked, and then make it legal by paying modest fines in periodic “building amnesties”.