As a libertarian, I oppose laws and philosophies that limit the sovereignty of the individual and groups of individuals to live their best life. As an iconoclast like Jesus in the temple, I have absolutely no issue tearing down and overturning the most cherished beliefs of the most ignorant.
Recent reports highlight that New Zealand performs poorly in education and literacy. I profoundly apologise for shoving the King’s English down your throats. If you need a dictionary I say ,“For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God, for no man understandeth him . . .” (1 Corinthians 14:2).
Some people would like to believe that trans women’s rights happen at the expense of women’s rights, but trans rights are women’s rights.
Limiting the freedom of transgender people impacts the conditions of all women by re-entrenching the very gender stereotypes that have underpinned centuries of women’s oppression. These gender stereotypes dictate how women should behave, and what their bodies should look like — and perpetuate the idea that there is a specific way in which women should express themselves.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) and Trans Feminists have intersecting agreements but they disagree as to what the definition of a “woman” is, and who may enjoy these rights, therefore these groups are diametrically opposed. TERF’s believe that transgender rights are an existential threat to women. They believe that Transgender rights are a complotist conspiracy to infiltrate the feminist movement — undermine woman’s rights — and annihilate the very concept of womanhood itself. Radical feminism however is an oblivious servant of the very patriarchy they swore to smash.