The bank says inflation is still too high and employment is beyond its maximum sustainable level. Trade union economists estimate that getting back to the bank’s target inflation rate of 1-3 percent will mean up to 70,000 people joining the 90,000 currently out of work.
Meanwhile the University of Auckland’s 12-year research project on living in New Zealand showed last week that one in five Kiwi children had experienced material hardship by the time they were 12.
The Government faces a key Covid decision today on whether to relax the seven-day isolation requirement. Most other countries, including Australia, have already removed legal requirements to self-isolate but epidemiologist Michael Baker has warned against this, saying Covid-19 was already on track to kill 1000 New Zealanders this year.
Te Whatu Ora is investigating a whooping cough outbreak in which three babies have died.
None of these facts are good news for the Government as it prepares for this year’s election.
Rightly or wrongly the voting public tend to blame the Government for hard times. Will the right-wing group be able to sleepwalk to victory?
Still, there is always some light in the gloom. By this morning there had been only one death on New Zealand roads over Easter, down from five last Easter holiday and seven the year before.