Those anti-reality protestors may soon be regretting Helen Clark closing down many of the mental health institutions, and Jacinda Ardern for losing $1.9 billion promised for mental health down the back of a couch. For their tirades are becoming more unhinged and apoplectic by the day. Had the men in white coats still been employed, they would have been swamped. A few recent examples of them losing it:
A bunch of part-time female rugby players abusing the platform they had been provided by performing a haka in which they refer to the Government as “redneck”. At the time of writing, still no apology was forthcoming from Hurricanes management. Imagine the reaction to a haka being performed that referred to the Ardern govt as Marxist.
Joanna Kidman — on the taxpayer purse as co-director of He Whenua Taurikura, a government-funded research group into countering violent extremism, hysterically referring to the Government as a death cult and that it hates children.
Lisa Te Morenga, co-chair of the Health Coalition Aotearoa, a group supported by many taxpayer-funded organisations, recently claimed we have a white fascist Government (err, 35 percent in Cabinet identify as Māori), hopes David Seymour never breeds, and the Government has a policy to kill off Māori. One only needs to look at the plummeting immunisation rates of Māori during the Ardern regime (down 27 percent) to see the idiocy of this statement.
Willie Jackson — not unexpected, threats of civil unrest, proposed to spend $370m propping up a failing media platform, and recently criticised Christopher Luxon’s accommodation allowance on a non-mortgaged property. The books show Jackson’s name on four properties, only one of which has a mortgage, conveniently his Wellington one.
It’s refreshing to have a government based in reality, one that meets targets, as opposed to one in la-la land dealing in broken promises and shattered dreams.
Iain Boyle