If they’re likely to be eligible, they can book an appointment at the above email address or by downloading the New Zealand Blood Service Donor App.
“We currently have 117,000 amazing donors who help save the lives of 30,000 people every year,” said NZBS national marketing and communications manager Asuka Burge.
“But with a growing and ageing population, and more blood and plasma being needed for patients, New Zealand is facing higher demands than ever for blood and blood products.
“The number of people on the donor registry has only grown by 9000 donors in the past five years.
“That’s why we are always looking to recruit new donors to replace donors who for many reasons can no longer donate.
“However, we have reached a tipping point.
“If we can’t encourage more people to join the donor registry, we may no longer continue to be self-reliant for blood and plasma products in Aotearoa.”
NZBS needs 40,000 new donors in the next 12 months to ensure it can continue to be self-reliant and meet demand.
“Self-reliance means we can meet the needs of our population for blood and blood products through voluntary donations made entirely from our whanau of lifesavers,” said Ms Burge.
For this year’s National Blood Donor Week, NZBS is asking those who might be on the fence about donating to ‘Find Their Why’.
“We hope to use this theme to break down the barriers around blood donation and motivate more of our eligible population to roll up their sleeves and join our whānau of lifesavers,” Ms Burge said.
“All our donors are motivated by different reasons.
“Some, because they started donating in high school, some, because they’ve had a direct link to someone who has needed a lifesaving transfusion, and others, just because they feel it’s the right thing to do.
“This year, we’re challenging 40,000 more people to ‘Find their Why’.
“Even if your ‘why’ is because you like tea and biscuits – that’s enough for us!”