“Tamariki can also receive their childhood immunisations (NZ National Immunisation Schedule),” Ms Akurangi said.
“This is a great time for kaumatua to come and receive their flu vaccinations in preparation for winter.
“We have many children in Tairāwhiti who are behind in their scheduled immunisations or are due now. Please come along to one of these fun events.
“By holding these whānau days we are making it easier for whānau to access health services like immunisation.”
Covid boosters will be available to —
■ Anyone aged 30 and over who has completed a primary course, as long as it has been at least six months since their last Covid-19 booster or positive Covid-19 test.
■ Anyone at increased risk of severe illness from Covid-19 who has completed a primary course, as long as it has been at least six months since their last Covid-19 booster or positive Covid-19 test.
These high-risk groups include —
■ People aged 65 years and over.
■ Māori and Pacific peoples aged 50 years and over.
■ Residents of aged-care and disability care facilities.
■ Severely immunocompromised people.
■ People aged 16 years and over who have a medical condition that increases the risk of severe breakthrough Covid-19 illness.
■ People aged 16 years and over who live with disability with significant or complex health needs or multiple comorbidities.
In all instances the additional booster dose can only be administered to eligible people who have completed a primary Covid-19 vaccination course and whose most recent Covid-19 vaccine or positive Covid-19 test was at least six months ago, irrespective of how many prior booster doses that person has received.
Whānau Days
STatic Vaccinations
Te Araroa Playground, Friday, April 7, 3pm-6pm;
Ruatoria Skate Park, Saturday, April 8, 10am-1pm;
Uawa/Tolaga Bay, Saturday, April 15, 10am-1pm;
Manutuke-Te Arai Domain, Sunday, April 16, 10am-2pm;
Patutahi/Ngatapa Sports Club, Sunday, April 30, 10am-2pm.
Drive-Through Vaccinations
Whatatutu-Mangatu Marae, Sunday, April 16, 1pm-3pm;
Waihīrere-Waihīrere Marae, Sunday, April 23, 1pm-3pm;
Waerenga-o-Kuri/Waerenga-o-Kuri Community Hall, Sunday, April 23, 1pm-3pm;
Matawai-Matawai School, Sunday, April 30, 1pm-3pm.
The vaccination campaign is a collaborative approach between Ngāti
Porou Oranga, Turanga Health, Te
Whatu Ora-Tairāwhiti and Pinnacle Health.