“The sole occupant of the car, a man in his mid-20s, suffered serious injuries,” said a spokesperson for the Trust Tairāwhiti Eastland Rescue Helicopter, which was called to the crash.
“Our onboard critical care flight paramedic assessed and treated the patient, who was flown in a serious condition to Gisborne Hospital.
“Bystanders, fire volunteers and police staff helped extricate the patient from the scene, and Gisborne St John crews raced up the Coast to help with patient care.”
The car left the road and went into the nearby river.
A Wairoa motorcyclist in his 50s was injured in a crash on State Highway 2 at Nuhaka on Saturday afternoon.
The rescue helicopter flew to the scene at around 2.30pm and the injured man was flown to Gisborne Hospital with multiple injuries.
He struck a bridge just south of Nuhaka.