Hato Hone St John will soon begin Whakaōrite Whiwhinga Mahi, the organisation’s first region-wide targeted recruitment initiative in Tairāwhiti and the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
St John has partnered with tertiary, local iwi, hapū, whānau and hauora Māori providers, with the mission of ensuring the health workforce better represents the communities they serve.
“The recruitment drive will involve a three-day hīkoi from Opotiki to Gisborne, travelling State Highway 35 and will be set up at either ambulance stations or on marae or local hauora Māori grounds and facilities along the way,” said St John central east district operations manager Jeremy Gooders.
“There will be opportunities to korero with our people about joining St John, and there will be multiple interactive stalls that will showcase the different career opportunities in St John with a strong focus on ambulance careers, both paid and volunteer,” he said.
“We will also have vehicles from our ambulance fleet, including our new Waka Manaaki ambulance, on the hikoi.