“This is not what anyone wants, not after the year we’ve already had with cyclones and floods. We have experienced a significant loss of business already.
“My worst fear is this might be the incident that turns the tide and I might have to start downsizing and making redundancies.”
The stolen items were insured but he did not expect any money until the middle of next year as he had been waiting six months for an insurance claim made during Cyclone Gabrielle that had still not been paid out.
He had forgone paying other bills to fund the two new POS machines to cover that insurance delay.
Tairāwhiti Detective Sergeant Brent Griffiths said an investigation was ongoing following a burglary at the restaurant on Bright Street between the hours of 10pm and midnight on Sunday, October 15.
“A scene examination has been conducted and police are following positive lines of inquiry.
“This type of offending is completely unacceptable. It causes significant fiscal and personal loss to victims’ livelihoods and will not be tolerated.
“While police work hard in the community to prevent and respond to this type of offending, we cannot do this alone. We ask for extra vigilance within the community and encourage the public to report anything suspicious.
“Please contact police on 111 if the event is in progress, or 105 if it has already occurred.
“If you have any information that may assist in this specific investigation please contact Police on 105 and quote file number: 231016/9026.”