Never be fooled into thinking you’ll be better off under a National government, unless you own investment property or are very rich. Even then you need to think about those who aren’t lucky enough to have what you have.
We are fine financially and don’t want for anything now, but it hasn’t always been like that. I will always be grateful to a Labour government which gave me holidays, sick leave, better work conditions and pay. They helped me and my children out after my relationship breakdown and provided me DPB and a state house. They have helped out with ACC and my tertiary education. They took the interest off my student loan in 2000 and then when I graduated in 2005 I was charged no interest on it while working in Aotearoa. They’ve saved my partner’s life at least twice for which I’ll be forever grateful.
I want our future generations to have the same privileges I had and will not vote for those who forget humanity and pull the ladder up behind them. None of us are immune from life’s challenges and we should remember that just one adverse incident could change our lives and economic situation forever. “There but for the grace of God go I.”
I don’t need to be rich and am happy to be comfortable. How much do you need anyway?
Mary-Ann de Kort